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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 58

In the last chapter:

"There's only one way." He said.

"What way?" I growled.

He remained quiet.

"I said what fucking way?" I growled pushing him to the wall.

"You turn her into a wolf."


As I tried opening my eyes, they hurt. The bright light burned into me. Every limb of my body hurt.

Was this what dying felt like?

I saw the blurry state of Ozymandius come and take my hand in his. He sat on my bed as I felt him place a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm gonna die, aren't I?" I asked him, my voice barely a whisper.

He remained quiet as I felt his tear drop onto my face.

"Its okay." I said.

"Remember that I loved you and will always will." I whispered.

Now even as I whispered, it hurt. I knew death was coming and I was prepared for it.

I wanted this pain to end.

I tightened my grip on his hand as I waited for it to arrive.

"Theres one way." I heard him whisper, his voice hoarse.

"What?" I asked him.

"I can't make you do it. I have forced you enough. " he said, his voice laced with guilt.

"Tell me Ozy." I said.

"If only I turn you into a wolf."

I remained quite.

I knew I had to make a decision.

Did I want to become a wolf and change my life?

Did I love him this much?

My heart whispered yes.


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