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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 14

  Alpha Maximus

  Struggling to sleep after losing my best friend, my sweet little Hope screams, dreaming of the explosion and Nathan dying. I wake her, and she bursts into tears.

  ‘Nathan didn't do anything wrong. He didn't deserve to die,’ she says.

  I wish I could have prevented her from seeing it, from being there; Nathan's death, the explosion; all of it.

  My mind replays the moment the white car’s window wound down, revealing a gun, pointed at the petrol tanker; knowing straight away, if a bullet hit the target, the whole place would explode. I prayed to the Moon Goddess we would outrun the explosion in time.

  Wanting to forget it, I nuzzle my face into Hope's neck, while my tears drip down her neck. I listen to her heartbeat as she sleeps.

  Waking up, Hope gently strokes my face on her lap, while we stare into each other's eyes; we have to keep moving.

  We crawl out of the makeshift shelter.

  ‘Where are we?’ She asks.

  ‘I have no idea, but we have to keep moving,’ I answer.

  Shifting into Chaos, I help Hope onto my back, and I run for hours. There’s a city in the distance with lots of tall buildings. When we get closer, I shift back into human form; shirtless. I might attract unwanted attention.

  I watch Hope climb over a little picket fence and fall down, letting out a squeak. She gets up, dusts herself off and moves towards a clothesline.

  She isn't very good at being quiet; she must trip on every stick and stone, and kick every item on the ground, making such a ruckus. She runs back into my arms waving a grey shirt at me.

  ‘Here you are,’ she says, catching her breath, and I have to laugh at her efforts.

  ‘What?’ She asks, and I smirk, and shake my head.

  ‘Don't worry,’ I say, pulling the shirt over my head. It’s very tight and Hope stifles a laugh.

  ‘Well, it's better than nothing,’ I say, shrugging my shoulders.

  We walk down the road and pass a sign that says Welcome to Blissville.

  Hope and I look at each other, with our brows raised.

  ‘I've never heard of Blissville. Let’s go suss it out. I'll contact Beta Alex to organise transport for us.’

  The traffic is built up, car horns beep and drivers yell. There are hundreds of tall buildings and thousands of shops. This is one big city. We walk through the busy streets until we feel safe enough to relax for a while. I take my phone out of my back pocket; the battery is low and I don't have my wallet. I call Alex.

  ‘Alpha!’ He whispers. ‘Is that really you?’

  ‘Of course, it's me. Why are you whispering?’ I ask.

  ‘Alpha... our pack house... we’ve been overtaken by numerous packs who all attacked us at once. They told us to join their packs or die. Half the pack didn't put up a fight; they joined them. The rest of us; we’re all in hiding at the moment, until you return,’ he explains.

  ‘Fuck,’ I say. Hope looks at me; worried.

  ‘Alex, Hope and I are stranded in a town called Blissville. My phone will be flat by the end of the day. I don't have my wallet to get a hotel or anything.’

  ‘Can't Nathan pay?’ He asks and I go silent. ‘Alpha? Are you still there?’ Alex asks.

  ‘Yes, I'm here. Alex... Nathan is dead. One of the other packs blew a petrol station up while we were there. Hope and I only just got out in time.’ Alex starts crying.

  ‘He can't be dead! He can't be!’ Alex cries.

  ‘I'm sorry. I know we were all like brothers. They want to kill Hope. I can't let that happen.’

  ‘I have a friend in Blissville. Sally. She is human though so she doesn't know about us. I’ll text you her address, call her and let her know to expect you. As soon as I have Bella safe, I’ll transfer money to Sally's account for you.’

  ‘Can you and Bella get here to Blissville?’ I ask.

  ‘It would take us over a week to drive to Blissville. I don't want to risk the baby being born on the way,’ he says.

  ‘The Moon Fall pack. Alpha Dan. I think we can trust him. Take Bella and anyone else with you to his pack. You will be safe there. And Alex, don't tell anyone where we are, okay?’ I order.

  ‘I won't say anything, Alpha. I’ll do what I can to get the rest of the pack safely to Alpha Dan,’ he replies, and the call ends.


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