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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 15

  Alpha Maximus

  Shutting the door, we go into the bathroom, and I turn the shower on. I undress, and Hope is trying hard to avoid staring at my body.

  I go over to her, pull her shirt and jumper off over her head, and kiss her, while unhooking her bra.

  I fling them across the room, not caring where they land, and find my way to her zip and undo her jeans. I pull them down her legs, and she kicks them off. I kiss her neck and make my way down to her breasts.

  ‘Maximus,’ she moans. Kissing her lower stomach; my fingers latch onto her black lace underwear and I pull them down. She is a goddess, completely naked and exposed in front of me. I kiss her lips seductively and carry her into the shower with me.

  My fingers slowly explore her core, making her moan and arch her back, and she grabs onto my thick shaft with her hand and strokes my erection, and we moan and give into the pleasure that has built up inside us.

  I release onto her stomach. She looks more beautiful than ever with her flushed cheeks. I kiss her lips long and hard, until we have no choice but to stop for air.

  Turning the taps off, I wrap a towel around her, we dry off, and get into bed. She snuggles in beside me, running her fingers through my hair, and nuzzling her face sweetly into my neck.

  The next morning, in the kitchen, Sally waits by the toaster for her toast.

  ‘I hope you both slept well,’ she says.

  ‘We did. Thank you,’ I say, smiling.

  ‘Alex texted me before. He said to tell you that they’re at Dan's and he has transferred cash into my account for you. We can go to the bank after breakfast, if you like,’ she offers.

  ‘That would be great,’ I say.

  At the bank, Sally pulls her phone out and logs into her bank app.

  ‘I'll just check how much he deposited so I know how much to withdraw,’ she says, and her face pales.

  ‘There is one million dollars in my account!’ She gasps, looking up at Max.

  ‘Is that all?’ Max asks.

  ‘Is that a serious question?’ Sally asks.

  ‘Withdraw as much of it as the bank will allow, and we can worry about the rest later,’ I tell her.

  ‘Um, okay,’ she says, before going into the bank, and coming out an hour later with a bag folded up under her arm.

  ‘There is one hundred thousand here. They said they will have the rest tomorrow. They need time to organise and count it,’ she explains.

  ‘Okay, thank you so much. Here, take this. It's the least we can do for you helping us out,’ I say, handing her roughly five-thousand dollars in cash.

  ‘Oh, no, I couldn't,’ she says.

  ‘I insist,’ I say. ‘Could you recommend a hotel around here’ I ask.

  ‘There are a ton of short-term apartments in the city, and a couple of hotels up the road,’ she says, pointing up the road.

  ‘Okay. Thank you Sally. Let’s meet back here tomorrow for the rest,’ I say.

  ‘Okay, no worries. If you need me, call me,’ she says, smiling.

  We wave goodbye and walk twenty minutes up the road to a luxurious hotel four storeys high. A large fountain with floating lilies sits out the front.

  A man in a suit greets us and opens the door for us. In the foyer there is a strong fragrance in the air and we notice the large flower arrangements.

  The sitting area is very luxurious with red velvet chairs and mahogany furniture. We approach the front desk where an older gentleman serves us.

  Max pays for a room for a week. We take the key and go to the top floor. Our bathroom has a spa, and the bed has silk coverings, with rose petals and chocolates.

  We have our own dining room with a nice view via a large window. The kitchen fridge is filled with bottles of wine, cheese and other nibbles.


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