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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 18


  In the van they tie cable ties around our wrists behind our backs.

  ‘Let us go!’ Sally screams.

  ‘What are we doing with the human?’ One man asks.

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Sally asks.

  ‘Alpha Maximus is going to kill you for this!’ I growl. The men laugh, and Sally gives me a confused look.

  ‘Where are you taking us?’ I ask.

  ‘The plan was to kill you and Alpha Maximus, but Alpha Tate argued that since you are his property, he should choose what’s to become of you,’ the man explains.

  ‘You're taking me to Alpha Tate?’ I ask, worried.


  ‘No. Please. Let me go. I don't want to go back to Alpha Tate. He will hurt me,’ I beg.

  ‘What Alpha Tate does with you is not our business!’ He snaps.

  ‘It's a long drive to Dawnbury, so I suggest you sit tight and stop talking!’ He snaps.

  ‘Is that where Alpha Tate is?’ I ask.


  ‘Who is Alpha Tate? Why would he hurt you?’ Sally asks.

  ‘He was my alpha and first mate. He kept me as a slave and rejected me,’ I explain.

  ‘You were kept as a slave!’ Sally says in horror. I nod.

  ‘What is an alpha? And when you say mate, do you mean like ex-boyfriend or something?’ She asks.

  ‘Will you shut up back there?’ The driver demands.

  We fall quiet and fall asleep against each other.

  We are abruptly woken when the van door flies open.

  ‘I've missed you,’ Alpha Tate says.

  ‘You look so different. So beautiful. You’re scrubbed up nice and fancy,’ he says, licking his lips.

  ‘If you think about laying a finger on her, I will cut your frigging balls off!’ Sally yells.

  ‘Well, well, well. I've always wanted a pet human,’ Alpha Tate chuckles.

  ‘Why does everyone keep referring to me as a human?’ She asks, annoyed.

  ‘Aren't you in for a big surprise?’ Alpha Tate says.

  He grabs my arm and drags me out of the van.

  ‘Are you going to kill me?’ I ask.

  ‘That depends on you, slave,’ he says, stroking my face with his hand; I recoil in disgust.

  ‘My name is Hope!’ I snap.

  He is grinning, and dragging me to the pack house.

  Sally puts up a fight with the other guy; two more men have to help drag her inside, behind me. We are taken to a room, where Sally and I are thrown onto a lounge seat; our hands still bound behind our backs. The fireplace is lit, and it gives off a nice flickering glow in the room; I welcome the warmth from the flames.

  The men leave, bar one, who stands outside the room.

  Alpha Tate sits in a chair facing us, puts his feet up on the coffee table, grabs an apple from a bowl, and starts slicing pieces of it with a knife. I cringe every time he puts a slice of apple in his mouth, while he silently watches us.

  After an hour of him staring at us in silence, he finally speaks.

  ‘Why hasn't he marked or mated you yet?’ He asks. I blush.

  ‘That's none of your business,’ I say.


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