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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 17

  Alpha Maximus

  In the city I buy a backpack for Hope while we wait for Sally.

  ‘Hey guys. Here you go,’ she says, handing over the money, I put into the backpack.

  ‘We’re going to have breakfast. You should join us,’ I say.

  ‘Sure. There’s a cafe around the corner that makes really good food.’

  ‘Lead the way,’ I say, cheerfully.

  We order breakfast and pay for Sally, and get to know her better. Hope keeps staring out the window, watching something or someone. There is a man on his phone a few metres from the window, staring at us.

  A few men enter the cafe and sit at different tables. Hope and I look at each other. We can smell their scents. Sally notices we’ve stopped listening to her and our body language tells her we’re clearly uncomfortable.

  ‘Is something wrong?’ She whispers.

  ‘I'm sorry, but we need to leave. I don't want you to be involved in this,’ I say.

  With Hope's hand in mine, we leave the cafe, and Sally follows us. We walk past the man still on the phone. Being in public in a city full of people, they won't do anything just yet.

  I sling the backpack over my shoulder, relieving Hope of its weight. We speed-walk to a crossing with hundreds of people to try and lose our followers.

  We go around a few street corners, trying to lose them. Sally is still following us. We stop in an alley.

  ‘Sally, you need to go home. You will put yourself in danger if you stay with us,’ I explain.

  ‘Why are you being followed? What do they want with you? Your car wasn’t stolen, was it?’ She asks, realising we’re involved in something bad.

  ‘I appreciate your concern, but you have to go now!’ I snap. A sharp pain hits my arm.

  ‘Shit!’ I say, and my eyes roll back and I fall to the ground.

  ‘Maximus!’ Hope screams, after a van has stopped, and someone has tranquilised me. The men jump out of the van, grab Hope and Sally, and speed away.

  When I come to, I have no idea how long I’ve been out. A little groggy, I stand, and look around.

  ‘Hope!’ I yell.

  There’s no sign of the van or Hope. I run around the block looking for them. I don't know which pack has taken them, but I’ll find out, and make them pay with their life!

  Hailing a taxi, I jump in.

  ‘To Drycrest please, and hurry.’ It’s the closest werewolf territory to Blissville.

  An hour later we arrive in Drycrest.

  ‘Here will be fine,’ I say.

  I run to the field and shift when the taxi is out of sight.

  It has just gone dark. I creep through the pack village unseen, seeing the pack house in the distance.

  Sneaking around to the back, I quietly enter through the back door, and hear chatter, conversations, and the smell of a roast. They’re having dinner.

  I creep upstairs and look around until I find the alpha's bedroom, before entering the walk-in wardrobe and shifting into human form.

  An hour later, the door opens and the overweight alpha and his Luna enter the room. Shit! I didn't think about the Luna being here. The alpha sits on the bed, and the Luna closes the door and locks it behind them.

  She comes into the wardrobe and before she can scream, I put my hand over her mouth, pressing my chest into her back. I walk into the room, with her held tightly, so she can't move.

  ‘What is this? Let my Luna go!’ Alpha Greg yells, dripping with sweat.

  ‘Let go of my Luna first, and I’ll give yours back!’ I snap.


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