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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 20

  I’m lying in a bed naked, with Hope straddling me and her arms wrapped around my neck.

  ‘What happened? Where are we?’ I ask, wondering if it has all been a dream.

  ‘Alpha Tate and Alpha Liam are dead. I have told our new pack members to bury the dead,’ she says, proudly.

  Smiling, I cup her face.

  ‘I see you’ve already adjusted to being Luna,’ I say, and she smiles.

  ‘Well, you were knocked out from the wolfsbane and everyone bowed to me and chanted Luna! So, I got them to carry you in here to rest, and they all stood around waiting for orders. I wanted to do the right thing by the dead, so they were all buried, except for Alpha Tate, Alpha Liam and Sam. I had them cremated,’ she explains, smiling.

  ‘You are a true Luna indeed!’ I say, kissing her forehead. She blushes and smiles. Swinging my legs over the bed to stand, everything sways.

  ‘Oh, no you don't! You have a really bad fever. You need to stay and rest until you are better. I'm going to stay here, by your side, okay?’ Hope says, lifting my feet back into the bed.

  She grabs a washcloth from the bedside table, in a bowl of water, and squeezes it, before wringing it out, and wiping the sweat off my forehead, trying to cool my body down. The coldness of the washcloth, and her other hand stroking my face, soothes me. She does this for hours, and then leaves the room, to bring me some food.

  She returns with a bowl of soup and bread on a tray. She props the pillows up behind me to help me sit up, to spoon feed me the soup.

  ‘This reminds me of when I fed you with the chopsticks,’ I laugh, and she giggles.

  ‘I’m glad I can return the favour, and feed you,’ she says, smirking. There’s a knock on the door.

  ‘Come in,’ I yell, and Sally enters the room, smiling.

  ‘How are you feeling Max? I mean, Alpha Maximus? Is that what I should call you?’ She wonders. We start laughing.

  ‘You're not my pack member, so you can just call me Max. I should be asking you how you are after Alpha Tate stabbed you,’ I say.

  ‘Hope was able to heal me. It didn't even scar,’ she says, proudly, smiling at Hope.

  ‘So, you aren't freaked out about the whole werewolf thing?’ I ask.

  ‘At first, I was, but now I think it's kind of cool. In fact, I think I might even be a little bit jealous that I'm not a wolf!’ She answers, laughing, and we all laugh.

  ‘Sally, I want to thank you for saving Hope. If you hadn't been brave and snuck up on Alpha Tate like that, I don't know if we would have had the same outcome. A frying pan. Of all things!’ I say, laughing.

  ‘I had to improvise. I wasn’t able to shift into a wolf like everyone else!’ She laughs. ‘You’re very welcome! I would gladly hit anyone over the head with a frying pan, if it means rescuing Hope!’ She grins, and we laugh.

  Hope stares at me with a serious look on her face.

  ‘So, what now?’ She asks.

  ‘I'm going to call Alex and let him know the good news. Alpha Greg and his pack should be arriving at Alpha Dan's tomorrow. They’ll wait for us, and we will fight for our home, and the Blood Moon pack will be reinstated,’ I reply.

  ‘Well, let's get this fever gone. Hopefully you will be fine by the morning,’ Hope mumbles, and Sally leaves the room while Hope runs a cool bath for me.

  She is tiny but still helps me stand, and hop into the bathtub, and she pulls her dress off over her head and gets in with me. With her back against my chest, my member is pressed hard against her back. I wrap my arms around her waist, and kiss her shoulder and neck, making her moan.

  She tilts her head back to look up at me. I lean down and rub the tip of my nose against hers, and peck her on the lips. She spins around and presses her breasts firmly against my chest, and nuzzles her face in my neck. Her teeth protrude and lightly graze my marking spot, teasing me.

  ‘When did you become so naughty?’ I ask her. She giggles and blushes.

  ‘I can't help but feel naughty when I’m with you,’ she says, wrapping her hand around my hard member making me moan.


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