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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan novel Chapter 21

  Hoping to arrive by nightfall in Ashwood, we decide to stop and stretch our legs, and let our wolf and lycan out for a run. Excitement builds, because it’s Chaos’ first time running with Storm. We strip our clothes, and shift, and chase each other, roll, nip and play.

  We shift back into our human forms, and naked, lie next to each other in a beautiful field. I roll onto my side and stare into Hope's beautiful eyes. My fingers run down her stomach and down her arms. Leaning down, I kiss her passionately. Grabbing her bum, I lift her onto my lap; my erection pressed against her wet core.

  As we kiss, she becomes more aroused and she grinds herself against my member. My hands make their way to her waist before cupping her breasts.

  Hope repositions herself, and I slide my member into her slowly. She moans in ecstasy as it enters.

  We thrust our hips in unison, and moan in pleasure; her eyes fixed on my neck. She can't hold back any longer, and her teeth protrude.

  She is close to climaxing, my fangs protrude, and I mark her as she orgasms. She marks me as I release my seed into her. She lies on my chest, panting, and gazes into my eyes with love and desire. We share a fiery kiss. We stay in each other's arms all night, not even making it Ashwood. We make love and let our wolves out to run and play several times.

  The following morning, we continue to Ashwood and enter the territory by midday. Alpha Greg and Alpha Dan greet us when we arrive. Alex runs out, almost knocking me over, and we hug and pat each other on the back.

  ‘Alex, I want you to meet Hope, my mate and your Luna,’ I say, smiling. Alex bows his head.

  ‘I’m thrilled to meet you. I must introduce you to Bella, my mate,’ he smiles.

  We follow them into the pack house, where all the Blood Moon pack members are gathered around, happy I’m alive and well, and thrilled to see their new Luna by my side. Everyone is excited and tries to have a moment with Hope. I’m happy to see them welcoming her with open arms.

  Bella is sitting on the couch, and looks like she will burst any moment. I take Hope's hand and walk over to Bella.

  ‘Bella, this is our new Luna, Hope. Hope, this is Bella, Alex's mate,’ I say. Hope sits down next to Bella and they form a friendship right away. I approach Alpha Greg and Alpha Dan.

  ‘Alpha Dan, I want to thank you for looking after the loyal members of my pack. I hope one day, I can return the favour. Alpha Greg, I'm glad you chose to fight with me, instead of against me. I hope we will be great allies,’ I smile. They nod, happy with my words.

  ‘Tomorrow, we will fight and reclaim your territory. I suggest we all get some rest before the battle tomorrow,’ Alpha Dan suggests. We nod in agreement. I walk over to Hope and take her hand.

  ‘Come. We’re exhausted, and we must rest, so we can reclaim our home tomorrow,’ I say, fatigued.

  Hope smiles, stands, we go to our room, and strip off and shower together, before falling asleep. We sleep all night.

  We join the other alphas and Bella and Alex for breakfast.

  ‘We’ll leave at noon, and we should arrive in Blood Moon territory by nightfall,’ I say.

  ‘I want to come as well,’ Bella says.

  ‘You’re overdue. You can't come home during a battle. You could be hurt or killed,’ Alex says.

  ‘I'm sorry, but I'm siding with Alex. You’ll be in safe hands here. When it’s safe to return home, we will arrange transport back home safely.’ Bella moans, annoyed. Hope gives her a sympathetic look.

  ‘You will be back with Alex before you know it,’ Hope says, giving her a reassuring smile.

  ‘Thanks, Luna,’ she replies, with a smile.

  We all shift, and run through the fields towards Blood Moon territory. It’s dark when we arrive, and there are hundreds of pack warriors scattered everywhere.

  ‘You fight your way through the warriors. I'm going to sneak around and find the alphas,’ I say.

  Alpha Dan and Alpha Greg both run off, and shift into their wolves.

  The three packs collide with our opposition, and there are yelps and whimpers, as Hope and I sneak around through the long grass. A twig snaps behind us, and five wolves growl and snarl at us. We lunge at them, snapping, and biting until they’re all dead.

  ‘I can't see any of the alphas. I don't understand,’ I say, confused.


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