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Enigma novel Chapter 14

“Hudson Martin.” The one that called me a nineteen year old said grinning.

“I am Amara Cross, now Astley and this is my mate and husband, Steven Astley. You already know our eldest.” I told them grinning.

“Eldest? How many more are there?” Hudson asked.

“Six. We have seven kids.”

They didn’t look that surprised by it.

“So Aria was telling the truth.” Hudson said looking surprised. “That’s a lot of people in one house.”

“It will be really crowded with us adding in the house. We can stay at the cabin. Only if you don’t mind.” Lucas said politely.

“Don’t give us that crap boy.” Steven scoffed looking over his shoulder to the boys. “If my wife says you are staying with us then you are. Besides you can use a little time to relax, a feel of warm bed and home cooked food. I can tell you missed that.”

“Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Astley for your hospitability.” Lucas said politely.

I choked on my spit.

“Dude just call us Steven and Amara. We don’t look that old.” I told him looking at him horrified.

Hudson snickered and Lucas smiled at us. Archer looked relieved.

When we exited the forest, I saw something that did not sit well with me. Steven growled looking at the black truck parked in our drive way. No wonder Aria went to the cabin. That boy just won’t let her breath freely. I don’t know what his problem is.

What is he doing here anyways? It’s weekend. Doesn’t he have anywhere else to be?

One of these days I am going to beat him to pulp. Nobody messes with my children. If it wasn’t for Leo, I would have dealt with that boy by now.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and walked to the door of our house. I opened the door and entered the house with Steven right on my tail to stop in my tracks.

The scene looked intense. My children looked like they were about to commit a murder. I wonder what happened.

My kids looked at the boys and then at me. Their eyes fell on Steven and the unconscious Aria in his arms. There was a chorus of ‘Aria’ and they ran towards Steven. Eros clung to me and started crying.

“What happened to her?” Ben asked, his eyes on Aria.

“She is exhausted. She is just sleeping.” I told the lot.


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