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Enigma novel Chapter 2

In the pack children, I am the oldest. I will be turning nineteen this year. Because of the year I lost when I lost my mother, I am now in the senior year of high school.

Then comes Zeno. He is Uncle Leo’s eldest son. Uncle Leo has two more children, Faye and Hugo. They are fourteen and twelve.

Francis and Mila are Uncle Stanley’s children. They are sixteen and thirteen. Then there is Fabian and Zoe, also sixteen and thirteen. They are Uncle Ryan’s kids.

Uncle Mathew have three children, Vivian, Griffin and Vincent. Vivian is sixteen. Griffin and Vincent are twins. They are thirteen.

Then there is Uncle Asher’s daughter, Ella. She is fourteen.

Uncle Austin and Aunt Cloe couldn’t make it this year. They have a daughter, Zahra who is thirteen. She is an angel. We get along quite well. We don’t get to meet each other much but I love to spend time with her. I have a feeling that Griffin has a crush on her. I tease her a lot about it.

It’s quite a large family I have here but I still feel lonely at times. I am not complaining though. I have wonderful parents and siblings. I wouldn’t dare exchange them for anything.

My father, Alexander still hasn’t shown up to this day. I have lost hope that he ever will. Grand pa and Grand ma call once in a while but I don’t feel connected to them anymore. Uncle Oliver and Aunt Natalie also calls once in a while but the connection is just not there. It feels like they have moved on and had started a new life.

“Well well well! What do we have here?” Zeno’s annoying voice broke my staring match with the moon.

He was standing near my leaning figure with a nasty smirk on his face.

“Hi Zeno.” I said politely.

He gave me a disgusted look. It has been like this since I moved in with mom and dad. He simply hated me since the day he laid his eyes on me. I used to go to Greycoast high before as it was near my old home. From that day he had never given up a chance to belittle me and make life difficult for me. Francis and Fabian as usual must be keeping Ben and Ethan busy while this muck of a person comes to soil my already gloomy mood.

“Don’t talk to me like I am your friend you weakling.” He snapped.

Yup! That the best he could come up with.

“Do you mind moving? The moon is really pretty today.” I told him calmly.

“Don’t destroy the moon’s beauty by laying your ugly eyes on it. Why don’t you just leave or something? Aren’t you like already eighteen? Must have failed a year or been expelled for being stupid.”

He started laughing at his own joke. I just rolled my eyes at him but deep down the wounds of my mother’s death and my father’s disappearance are still fresh. I chose not to reply to him.

“What are you deaf and dumb too now? You should just go back to your real parents and stop trying to get along with our pack and family. You are not a part of it anyways.”


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