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Enigma novel Chapter 20

“You can’t stay in the kitchen when we are cooking. It’s not that big enough for you to sit comfortably while the four of us work there. How about you go check if Aria is awake?” I explained to him politely.

“Are you calling me fat?” Ryder’s said dramatically

The front door opened and Steven walked in. He stopped a few feet away from us. He is still scared of Ryder to this day.

“No I am not but Ry you are gigantic and the kids are still a little scared of you. Please.”

“No” He huffed.

This stubborn wolf. I don’t have a choice now.

“I will tell on you to papa.” I said smugly.

“You won’t.” He challenged.

“Watch me.”

I closed my eyes to talk to papa.

“ALRIGHT. I AM GOING.” Ryder screamed before I could even say p. “You are really mean.”

Ryder’s eyes fell on Steven while turning towards the staircase and he snarled at him. Steven squeaked and stepped back. Yup! The massive figure of Steven was shaking with fear due to my brother. Ryder stalked upstairs before I could yell anything at him, grumbling under his breath.

“What is he doing here?” Steven asked in a shaky voice.

“Apparently he was watching over me from the outside of the house so I called him in and introduced him to the kids.” I explained.

“Oh my god! Is he staying over?”

Steven looked horrified at the idea. I looked at him with a blank face. He wailed like a banshee and dived face first on the couch. I left his weeping self there and went to the kitchen to start with the dinner.

I don’t know when these two will get along.

“Mom were you jealous of Beth?” Elliot snickered.

“No.” I snapped. “Why would I be jealous of her?”

“Sure.” Ben said grinning at me.

I threw an apple at him which he caught effortlessly.

“Get to work.” I told them which they did without any further questions as Eros and Val exited the kitchen snickering behind their hands.

In the next three hours we made a huge amount of dishes. We made Greek salad, Pot roast, mashed potatoes, Fajitas, cornbread, Chicken fried steak, roasted carrot squash and sweet potato soup, chicken skillet noodles and for dessert, apple pie and Yorkshire pudding.

Well we do have ten growing children to feed. Some of them literally have an appetite of a bear despite being part wolf. I am sure none of the food will be left after dinner.

“Elliot go call the boys for dinner. Steven go check if Aria is awake.” I told them after we had washed up.

Elliot ran upstairs quickly but Steven made a face.

“Why me? Send Ben or someone else. I am not going. Ryder is there.” He whined.

And people say I am the one that’s childish. I sighed in exhaustion.

“Ryder.” I called in the mind link.


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