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Enigma novel Chapter 37

The morning came earlier than I expected. Steven, Ryder and I stopped by the cabin before going to the meeting place. We wanted to check up on Aria before going there. Ben and Ethan already left for there. Ethan wanted to be there for his brother when he shifted. Who am I to stop him anyways? May be he will shift today as well.

I entered the cabin with Steven to find Aria sound asleep, curled up with Ajax. She looked so peaceful like she shouldn’t be in any place other than there.

Aw! They look cute like that. If the spirit wolves could be captured in pictures, I would have clicked one.

I heard Steven grit his teeth behind me. That how loudly he was doing it. How he could not find the scene in front of him adorable is beyond me.

Alas! I would have to wake them up. Aria might want to come with us for the shifting and Ajax is part of the process so… yeah got to get to work. Aria will get a firsthand experience of the shifting process. After all she will be doing this at some point when she takes over.

“Aria” I called but I got no response.

Ajax had left no way to reach her. He had covered the outside edge of the bed with his massive body and Aria was sort of nestled in between his curled up body.

How the heck am I supposed to get to my daughter? I huffed in irritation. I heard Steven trying to stop himself from laughing. Indeed, when I turned around to glare at him, his face looked unnaturally red.

Laughing at my frustration are we now? Wait till we get home. Then we will see who is laughing. I so want to cackle as I hatched the plan to get back at him but I stopped myself from doing so or he would be alerted that I am planning something against him. Don’t want that happening, do we now?

“AJAX” I screamed as a last resort, startling the sleeping wolf spirit and Aria.

Ajax shot up in alarm and growled in warning. He stood in front of Aria on the bed like covering her from the danger. Once his eyes fell on my grinning self and a very sniggering Steven, he groaned and plopped back down on the bed which creaked dangerously I might add. Got to get a new bed here real soon.

“Why are you screaming so early in the morning mom?” Aria whined.

“How are you feeling sweetheart?” Steven asked ignoring her complaint.

“Good I guess but I want to sleep some more.” She said rubbing her eyes.

“It is half past eight already Aria. We have to go.” I told her apologetically.

Her face fell immediately. She looked like she was about to cry. Ajax looked crestfallen.


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