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Enigma novel Chapter 39

I watched mom merge Earl with Ben’s spirit energy as Ben groaned in pain. It must be hurting him really bad but once he shifted he looked magnificent.

The thing I was dreading was when Zeno shifted. I watched in dread as mom merged Ajax with Zeno’s spirit energy. He seemed to be in more pain than Ben. Ajax must be making it difficult for him to shift. As much as I liked the idea, I don’t want Ajax nor Zeno to die.

I was right about Ajax making it hard for him to shift. I watched wide eyes as mom ordered Ajax to let Zeno shift. What I didn’t expect was seeing Ajax’s eyes flash through Zeno’s. I could see all his emotions swirling in the yellow eyes for the mere seconds Ajax was in control and the contact broke as Ajax gave in.

Zeno screamed as he shifted. I clutched onto Ethan’s arm to keep myself from bolting. Oh how much I wanted to run and never face this moment. Zeno’s eyes landed on me as he stood with shaky legs. He plopped down as his legs gave up under him. His eyes changed from yellow to his usual hazel as he shifted into his human skin completely. I heard him mumble ‘mate’ before he passed out.

Francis threw a blanket over him to cover his naked body. His clothes had shredded while he shifted.

“Is it done already?” Dad said as he came out of the house.

Mom just gave him a curt nod. He picked Zeno up and went back inside the house.

The mate matters can wait for now. He isn’t going to go chasing me around when he is unconscious. Might as well get home before he wakes up so he won’t have a chance to berate me anymore.

“Are you alright mom?” I asked as I saw her lean forward with her hands on her knees.

“A little tired. Nothing to worry about. I think I should start with the betas as well. That way I will have time to rest later and I can fight properly if they attacked.” Mom said standing up.

“But mom…” Ethan started but was cut off by a very disapproving uncle Ryder.

“You look ready to hit the bed. I am not letting you harm your health in order to do something in time. If the demons attacked before we are completely prepared, we will figure something out.”

“But Ryder…”

“Shut up and go to bed.”


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