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Enigma novel Chapter 47

“Well that’s fair enough. You act so mature these days’ princess. When did you grow up so much?”

I turned around to find dad pouting.

“Dad I will turn nineteen this year.” I said chuckling.

“But it feels like we just got you yesterday.”

I shook my head at his childishness.

“You are still grounded.”

“WHAT? But I didn’t do anything.”

“You were going to hit Zeno.” He said with a blank face as he parked in our garage.

“He deserved it and you know it.” I said outraged.

“Yeah but you are not to use violence to solve every single one of your problems. Your mom wouldn’t like that. Take your punishment without complaint and I will keep this between us.”

That offer does sound good. Mom would probably whip my ass for this.


I gritted my teeth and stomped out of the garage. I entered inside the house to find it a lot fuller than I expected.

“Ari.” Eros squealed and ran in my arms.

“How did it go?” Elliot asked. “Mom was already passed out when she came and we were too scared to ask uncle Ryder.”

I could feel eyes on me. I knew they were looking at me… at us. I walked inside and plopped on the couch.

“There wasn’t any problems. Ben and Ethan will be home soon.”

“Ohh! We can have a party tonight. What do you think?” Val asked bouncing on her toes as I rubbed Eros’s back.

“Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Everyone will be shifted by then.” I suggested.

“We are having a party tomorrow.” Val said jumping around.

“By the way, you are sharing room with Eros. I got the chit to share with you but he threw a fit and now I have to share room with the stupid one.” Beth said pointing at Val who stopped jumping and glared at her.

I laughed. That sounds very much like Eros. I plopped down on the couch with Eros still clinging to me.

“I am sharing with Hudson and he snore.” Elliot complained. “Can I sleep in your room Aria?”

“I don’t snore.” Hudson’s offended voice came from the dining table.

“Sure.” Elliot said sarcastically.

“Of course you can.” I told him.

He whooped with his fist in the air.

“I want to sleep in your room too. Val’s stupidity will end up rubbing on me.” Beth said in a teasing voice.


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