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Enigma novel Chapter 49

He stalked towards me as I kept scurrying backwards. I was about to get up and make a run around him when he pinned me to the floor and straddled me. I looked at him mesmerized as the sparks flew in my body.

“What were you saying downstairs baby?” He said as he leaned on me.

His face was right in front of mine. I could feel his breath on my lips. His voice…oh it was making the butterflies in my stomach go berserk.

“I asked you something Arabella.” H

He caressed my face with his free hand.

“I told you not to touch me.” I mumbled in a weak attempt to make him leave me alone which failed terribly I might add.

“And why is that baby? Why won’t I touch my own mate? Why won’t my mate have my kids? Do explain it to me baby.”

He said in a deep husky voice as his lower area came in contact with mine lightly. I bit my lip to stop the moan that wanted to come out of my mouth. That bitch was enjoying teasing me. I opened my mouth to answer him snappily but only a moan came out of mouth as his lips touched my neck, pressing light kiss there.

This is not right but why does this feel so good?

“You know what will lie here baby?” He asked as he nibbled at the crook of my neck making me moan shamelessly. “My mark will be here for everyone to know that you are mine and nobody else’s.”

He growled in my ears, sending pleasurable shivers down my back. This is not right. I shouldn’t be doing this. I haven’t forgiven him yet. Right? I was about to protest but he shut it up with his lips enclosing mine. He was kissing me hungrily. His hands roamed my body as he pressed into me even more.

As the need for oxygen surfaced, he started leaving open mouthed kisses down my neck and collarbone while I tried to catch my breath.

He sat up and pulled me in his lap, kissing me again. He pulled me so close to his body that I felt his body heat radiate into me. He pried my mouth open and a warm bundle of muscles plunged into my mouth making me moan loudly. He caressed my tongue with his, tugging on my hair.

It felt like all my bones had melted inside my body. I slumped into his arms as he hugged me close.

“Aren’t you a mess doll? I like it.” He said smirking as he cupped my face in his palm.

The heat of embarrassment started to creep up my neck as he surveyed me with heated gaze.

But this is not right. Just because he is my mate doesn’t mean I have to be intimate with him.

He pulled me to my feet as he got up and wiped the tears that escaped my eyes. He pecked my forehead then nose and lastly placed a soft kiss on my lips.

Chapter 49- Arabella 1


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