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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 Contacting the Lawyer 

I was taken aback, surprised to find him here. 

Rachel was also stunned, staring at her blankly. 

Seeing our stunned expressions, William couldn’t help but chuckle and said to me, “Walter is worried about you. His hand is severely injured, so he sent me over to see if there’s anything I can help with.” 

I forced a dry smile and responded, “Thank you, big brother. 

He smiled, casting a gentle glance at Rachel, and softly said, “Don’t get out of bed anymore, just rest well. If you need anything, call me anytime.” With that, he picked up a piece of paper and a pen from the instrument table nearby, wrote down his phone number, and handed it to Rachel. 

Rachel took the note somewhat dazedly, staring blankly at him, “Thank you!” 

William laughed nonchalantly 

Alexander called a doctor to examine Rachel. Seeing that there was no serious issue, William turned around and left the ward. 

I followed him out and called out to him, “Big Brother.” 

William halted his steps, looked at me, raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Do you have anything else?” 

I paused for a moment, looking at him and asked, “Over at the police station, how did they deal with Henry and the others? Has the result come out?” 



He paused for a moment, looking at me and said, “Not yet, but you don’t need to worry. Henry was originally a political death row prisoner, and now he has illegally kidnapped and detained others. There’s nowhere else for him to go in this life except prison.” 

I nodded, thinking that for a person like Henry, dying a hundred times wouldn’t be enough. Letting him spend his life in prison was actually letting him off easy. He deserved to be cut into a thousand pieces to truly satisfy my resentment. 

With a sigh of relief, I looked at William, bowed to him with extra solemnity, and said, “Thank you for what you did for Rachel. If it weren’t for you, she might have already…” 

Seeing me like this, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed me, laughing, “Tabatha, what are you doing? We are all family here, I am happy to help you.” 

That being said, one should still express gratitude where it is due. 

I looked at him and said, “Brother, if you ever need anything in the future, just ask.” 

He laughed and said, “Why are you still being polite with me? Alright, the wind is strong in this corridor, and you haven’t fully recovered yet. Go back and rest well, take care of your health. You and Walter are still young, the past is the past. Live a good life in the future.” 

I forced a smile and said no more. 

Seeing this, he found it inappropriate to say anything more and turned to leave. 

For the following few days, I stayed in the hospital with Rachel. 

Rachel’s condition wasn’t exactly good. I stayed with her in the hospital for a few days. The injuries on her body were mostly healed. 



But the wound in her heart couldn’t be put into words, she also began to become particularly silent, often staring out of the window in a daze. 

I watched her transform from the lively and cheerful person she once was, to the silent and reserved person she is now. 

An indescribable feeling of suffocation filled my heart. The person she is now, is strikingly similar to the person I was when I returned from the border years ago. 

Fortunately, her mother was there. She often came to the hospital and found a psychologist for Rachel. 

Even William would often come to visit. 

Rachel’s recovery was not bad. 

Over the weekend, Rachel was discharged from the hospital and was taken back to her apartment. 

Mother was somewhat worried, looking at me and saying, “She was okay, wasn’t she? Living alone in the apartment?” 

Of course, I was also worried. However, after the incident, Rachel had always asked me not to tell her parents. I had promised her, so I didn’t mention anything. Now, she insists on living in the apartment. 


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