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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130 I Was Held Hostage 

I didn’t understand what he meant by this. 

So, I couldn’t help but frown as I watched the yacht and helicopter gradually approaching. 

Ezra’s people probably also noticed something was off, and spoke up, “Ezra, it seems like these police officers are not prepared to fire at us this time?” 

After speaking, the man’s gaze also turned to me, as if he understood something. He looked at me and asked, “What’s your story, woman?” 

pursed my lips, even if my mind was slow to react, it had caught on. 

The people on this yacht were almost all vicious criminals. The police had surrounded them, but were only shouting, not attacking. They ignored the attacks from Ezra’s people on the police, and were gradually approaching the yacht. 

The purpose of the police was not to refrain from pursuing these extremely vicious individuals, but rather to worry that the two hostages, me and Sebastian, on the yacht might encounter accidents due to the conflict between the two sides. 

So, the police were considering the safety of the hostages? 

Yes, the police doing this not only involves great risks, but also there is a possibility that due to too many considerations, more victims might be involved. In comparison, it’s not worth it! 

Seeing the yachts in the distance surrounding Ezra’s yacht, Ezra grabbed me and pulled me into the cabin. 



I was locked in the cabin, Ezra leisurely pulled up a chair and sat down. His demonic black eyes were sizing me up, he sneered, “Tabatha, honestly, for the past five years, countless days and nights I’ve dreamed of skinning you alive, making your life a living hell. But now, I’ve changed my mind.” 

looked at him, not understanding what he meant. I only felt that his gaze at me was calculating at that moment. I couldn’t help but ask, “What do you want to do?” 

Ezra suddenly laughed, moving closer to me and said, “Tell me, if all the police who came here today died at my hands because of you, how thrilling would it be if this news got out?” 

I suddenly stiffened, my eyes wide open, trembling all over in terror, “You…” I didn’t know how many police officers had arrived here, but what I saw now, was definitely no less than a hundred. So many lives, if it was because of me… 

I didn’t dare to continue thinking, I abruptly stood up and started to run out, but Ezra directly pulled me back. Without any hesitation, he threw me onto the ground. 

With that swing, I was thrown into a complete mess, too disoriented to struggle. Then came the knock from Ezra’s people, “Ezra, the cops outside want to have a word with you.” 

Ezra curled his lips, his dark eyes slightly squinted, his voice low, “Talk?” 


After a moment, Ezra sneered, saying, “Fine, let him come up if he dares.” 

“Good!” came a voice from outside. 




Just as I was about to leave, I was suddenly stopped by Ezra, “Wait a moment.” 

After Ezra opened the door and spoke a few words to that person, the person seemed surprised for a moment, then left without saying anything. 

lay on the ground for quite a while before I managed to get up, my body almost shattered from the fall. 

“Well, Tabatha, I am quite curious, who exactly would risk their life for you?” Ezra crossed his arms, half-closing his eyes to enjoy my embarrassment. 

I didn’t reply to him. 

A few minutes later, a voice came from outside again, “Ezra, the person is here.” 

Ezra’s long, narrow black eyes squinted slightly, glancing at me. After a low hum, he walked over to a desk on the side, took out a belt, and forcefully put it on me. 

As the cabin door opened, Ezra took the opportunity to wrap his arms around my waist, forcibly pulling me to sit on his lap. 

Before I had a chance to resist, I saw that the person who came in was Walter. I was frozen for a moment. Why did he come? Wasn’t it supposed to be the police? Why was it him? 


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