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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131 You Wanted to Leave with Him? 

“Hmph.” Ezra snorted coldly, his large hand caressing my waist, “But I think, compared to that, my baby is more substantial. You… are useless to me, not to mention, those police outside, honestly, I don’t care at all. Moreover, our darling Tabatha can’t leave me by two meters, otherwise she will…” As he spoke, Ezra made an exaggerated explosion gesture, his eyes widened, “Boom, our Tabatha will be blown to pieces.” 

Walter’s hands clenched tightly at his sides, his dark eyes fixated on the belt around my waist, his handsome face growing increasingly gloomy. 

At that moment, I also realized that the belt Ezra had tied on me earlier. was a bomb. 

For a moment, my heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably. I didn’t understand what Ezra really wanted to do. 

“What do you want?” Walter asked Ezra, his voice low and restrained. 

Ezra leisurely raised an eyebrow and smiled, half-squinting his enchanting black eyes as he sized up Walter. He said, “How about this, why don’t you exchange your life for hers? What do you think?” 

“Good!” Walter spoke without almost any hesitation. 

I was stunned, and Ezra also paused for a moment, somewhat surprised. But it was only for a moment, then he squinted his dark eyes and said, “Well, that’s straightforward. In that case, you can do it yourself.” 

Saying this, Ezra tossed the switchblade he had been fiddling with in front of Walter, and said, “I’ve killed too many people, and now I find 




killing quite boring. But I really enjoy watching people in pain. How about this, you cut off your fingers one by one to amuse me, how does that sound?” 

Walter looked at him calmly, bending his slender body to pick up the switchblade. 

Seeing him like this, I panicked immediately, looking at Walter and saying, “Walter, don’t…” 

Walter’s dark eyes swept over me, not saying a word, just looking at Ezra and saying, “If you want my finger, that’s fine, but we need to discuss the terms.” 

Ezra raised an eyebrow, “Do tell.” 

“Remove the explosives from her waist and let her go,” Walter’s voice was not loud, but it was clear and strong. 

Ezra curved his lips, his dark eyes looking at me as he said, “This scene does indeed have a bit of a hero saving the beauty vibe.” 

Looking into Walter’s deep and gloomy eyes, I knew he always kept his word. But I also knew how ruthless Ezra could be. If I stayed, he might not necessarily kill me, but he would torture me endlessly. 

But if Walter had stayed, not only would I have been unable to leave, but he would surely have died here. 

Thinking of this, I reached out and grabbed Ezra’s hand. His hand was large, with distinct and slender knuckles, very good-looking. It seemed that my action was too sudden, he was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t pull away. Instead, he looked at me with amusement in his eyes, waiting for my next move. 

I didn’t meet his gaze, instead, I turned to Walter and said, “Walter, I’ve already signed the divorce agreement, there’s no connection between 




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