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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Did Ezra Die? 

Faced with Ezra’s cold threats, I subconsciously took a step back. 

Ezra was extremely calm behind me. Although there was a big fire burning in the cabin, he seemed not to care at all. I didn’t know what he was thinking, but his dark eyes suddenly squinted at me with a hint of a smile. 

He suddenly rose from the ground, took a few steps forward, grabbed my hand, and circled me in his arms. He looked up at Walter and Lucas on the opposite yacht, and with a smirk, he said, “Since I can’t escape, it wouldn’t be bad to take a woman with me to the 


Saying this, he dragged me towards the cabin that was ablaze with roaring fire, even kicking over all the oil barrels on the deck. For a moment, the dark oil came into contact with the raging fire, and in an instant, the entire deck and cabin were completely engulfed in flames. 

I was dragged into a sea of fire by Ezra, the pungent smoke filled the surroundings, I couldn’t breathe at all. 

Through the blazing fire, I seemed to see Walter leaping off the yacht opposite us and rushing towards us. 

I wanted to tell him to leave, the fire was burning fiercely, and Ezra clearly intended to drag me down with him. His coming would merely mean one more life lost. 

The thick smoke choked me so much that I couldn’t utter a single word. 

Ezra also saw Walter running towards us. The smile on his lips grew even wider. He leaned in close to my car, his voice low and husky, 




“Tabatha, on the road to the underworld, we won’t be lonely anymore.” 

Watching Walter approach us, my eyes were bloodshot from inhaling too much thick smoke, and I was already having some difficulty breathing. With the last bit of strength, I pushed Ezra away and yelled at Walter, “Walter, do you have a death wish?” 

Walter had already come before me, looking at Ezra staggering in the sea of fire. He pulled me up in an attempt to take me out. 

But I was suddenly yanked by Ezra, who was holding a burning piece of wood in his hand, and swung it directly at Walter. Fortunately, Walter was agile and dodged it. 

As Ezra ducked away, Walter pushed me out of the cabin. I stumbled a few steps, barely steadying myself, when I heard Lucas’s panicked voice from the opposite yacht, “Get away quickly, that yacht is about to explode.” 

The fire was burning too fiercely. I was pushed out of the cabin by Walter. When I looked back inside, all I could see were the raging flames. I couldn’t make out any figures inside, whether it was Walter or Ezra. 

Seeing the yacht was about to explode, I panicked and started shaking, shouting Walter’s name into it. But all that responded to me was the wild wind on the sea surface and the thick smoke billowing in the cabin. 

Just as I was trying to go in to find Walter, I saw Walter rush out of the cabin, covering his mouth and nose with his clothes, before I could say anything. 

He suddenly grabbed my waist tightly and whispered in my ear, “Run!” 

Afterwards, I was half-embraced by him and directly jumped into the 




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