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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 He Investigated the Events of That Year 

I felt that I had this sensation because my vision was distorted. 

Swallowing the food in my mouth, I patiently endured and ate the food he had picked up for me again, repeating this several times. 

Over a dozen types of food, almost without exception, Walter had me try each one. Looking at the pastry he was about to serve me again, I held back the food that was almost piled up to my throat, ready to vomit, and said to him, “Walter, do you really hate me that much?” 

His action of drinking water paused, a hint of confusion showing on his handsome face. He hummed a low, “Hmm?” with a furrowed brows his dark eyes looking at me without understanding. 

I smoothed my chest, feeling as if the food in my stomach was about to surge out. I continued, “I’ve heard of many ways to kill a wife – poisoning, freezing, starving – but this is the first time I’ve come across death by overfeeding.” 

“Puff!” Walter’s action of spitting out water was too sudden, and for a moment, he started coughing violently because he was choked. 

It was the first time I had seen him in such a mess. I instinctively handed him a tissue. I watched him for a while until his coughing subsided, and couldn’t help but ask, “Are you okay?” 

Having eased his cough, he composed himself, his dark eyes teasingly looking at me. His voice, as always, was pleasant to hear. He said, 

“Tabatha, choking to death as a method of killing one’s husband, this is the first time I’ve seen it.” 




10 51 3 

She gave him a speechless glance, this kind of joke was not funny at all. 

Perhaps it was this little incident that lightened the mood a bit. I really couldn’t eat anymore, so I calmly looked at the man across from me and said, “I have to go to the office later, so if you have something to say, just say it.” 

The man across looked much better than before, his gloomy face didn’t seem so stern anymore. He paused slightly, then said, “All the information on several new projects in the southern area.” 

As he spoke, he handed me a file. I hesitated a bit, but still took it. I opened it and saw that it indeed contained several new projects that Olivia and I had discussed. The information he provided was comprehensive, including the bidding time of the projects, the person in charge, and all the information suitable for the Conner Group to take over, all clearly marked. 

After reading the materials, I looked up at him, questioning, “How did you… ” know that I needed these. 

Before he could finish speaking, he began, “The current situation of the Conner Group, it’s not very realistic to bid for and win all the projects, but getting one or two of them is not a problem. However, it still requires the person in charge of the Conner Group to put some effort into preparing the bid.” 

I nodded, originally having a lot to say, but when it came to my lips, in the end, I only uttered one sentence, “Thank you.” 

He didn’t speak, and no emotions could be discerned on his handsome face. 

Seeing him like this, I couldn’t figure out the situation. I wondered if he had called me over just for this matter. For a moment, I hesitated, 



should I leave first, or should I say something more? 

In the midst of my contemplation, a leather bag suddenly appeared before me. I looked up at him with a puzzled expression, full of confusion. 

Seeing me looking at him, Walter didn’t look at me, he just lowered his eyes and took a light sip of the tea that the waiter had just brought. 

Upon seeing this, I opened the leather bag, inside were some photos, a few memory cards and videotapes. 

These items looked quite old. Out of curiosity, I took a glance at a few photos. 

Catching sight of a familiar face in the photo, I froze, looking at Walter in confusion, not understanding what he meant. 

Seeing me looking at him, he slowly put down the teacup in his hand, his voice calm and steady, “Things from the past are hard to find. What can be found is all here, but it can be used.” 

I opened my mouth, momentarily at a loss for words, looking at the photos of Ashley and Owen. There were scenes from Deston City University, and scenes from a certain restaurant mall in Deston City. 

It was not hard to see that these were scenes of Ashley and Owen meeting privately five years ago. He looked at the other videotapes and memory cards. 

Without thinking, it was probably a video or recording of the two meeting five years ago. 


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