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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144 Breakfast Appointment 

Unable to figure out the reason behind this, I stopped thinking about it. 

Turned around, started the car and returned to the Conner family. 

The next day. 

Outside the gate of the Conner family, I was momentarily taken aback by the tall man standing next to the black McLaren. 

The man saw me coming out, his dark eyes fell on me, his handsome face was calm and emotionless. He took a few steps towards me with his tall and straight body, stopping at a distance of one meter from me. With a deep and attractive voice, he asked, “Do you have time? Let’s have breakfast together.” 


I’ve seen people arrange for lunch and dinner before, but it’s the first time I’ve seen someone arrange for breakfast. Walter’s way of doing time I’ve seen someone arrange for b things is indeed unique. 

After all, we needed to find a time to sit down and sort out the matters after the divorce. That’s fine. Although it’s not auspicious to talk about divorce early in the morning, it’s always better to do things sooner rather than later. It’s good to settle it early. 

I looked at the man in front of me, who was much taller than me, and nodded, “Okay.” 

Once on the car, both Walter and I remained silent. Perhaps by now, there was nothing left to say to each other, so the entire journey was surprisingly quiet. 




Half an hour later, the car stopped in a private garden, where a two- story building was constructed. It was quaint and valuable. Building such a small building in a bustling yet peaceful place was indeed luxurious. 

Walter led me into the building and directly up to the second floor. After finding a seat by the edge, he looked at me and asked, “What would you like to eat?” 

I shook my head, who could eat anything so early in the morning? 

Seeing this, he didn’t ask any more questions. He simply told the waiter, “Bring some stomach-soothing food.” 

The waiter nodded in response and then left. 

The place was originally quiet, and neither Walter nor I spoke, making the atmosphere inexplicably even more silent. 

“Are you feeling better?” These words came from Walter’s mouth. 

I was taken aback for a moment, not reacting immediately to his sudden inquiry about my health. It was only later that I remembered, I had returned from Chesterburg a while ago. Perhaps it was due to Ezra’s death and Ashley’s shamelessness, I had a high fever for a few days afterwards. It wasn’t a big deal, it had already passed. 

But we haven’t seen each other for a while, how did he know I was sick? 

Although I felt strange inside, I didn’t ask him. I just said lightly, “Much better.” 

“That’s good,” he said calmly, nodding. 

I furrowed my brows, puzzled in my heart, but didn’t speak ́up. 



After these dry words, the atmosphere quieted down again. I glanced sideways at the camphor tree outside the window, which had lost all its leaves, bare and stark. The surrounding flowers and plants were the same, a scene of lifeless gloom that was unavoidably depressing. 

A few minutes later, the waiter served the dishes. 

Looking at the dozen or so different breakfasts on the table, I couldn’t help but be amazed. Two people ordered so much, even an emperor wouldn’t dine like this. 

Suppressing the urge to complain, I still didn’t say another word. 

Walter placed a shrimp dumpling in front of me, saying softly, “It tastes good, try it.” 

I pursed my lips, didn’t move, and looked up at him, “The Hinton 

Group should have quite a few things waiting for you to deal with. If there’s anything, just say it.” 

Early in the morning, I really didn’t have the appetite to taste delicious food. 

He subtly furrowed his brows without a trace, his dark eyes landing on me. His voice was cold and emotionless, revealing no joy or anger, simply stating, “Let’s talk after you’ve eaten.” 

I couldn’t help but lower my gaze, truly unable to figure out why he was looking for me so early in the morning. Inevitably suspicious, I thought through all the possibilities in my mind. 


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