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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 Did We Meet Five Years Ago? 

Ashley looked at me with a puzzled expression, not understanding what was happening. Walter, who had originally been talking to Roy at the staircase, hurried out upon hearing my scream. He strode over to me and helped me up. 

Seeing Walter suddenly appear, Ashley was stunned for a moment, and it took a while before she could squeeze out a few words from her mouth, “Walter, you…” 

After steadying me, Walter looked at her with his dark eyes, showing no emotion. He simply said to Roy, “Take Ms. Conner back.” 

The Ms. Conner here, naturally, was not me. 

Roy nodded, walked over to Ashley in a disciplined manner, and said, “Ms. Conner, I’ll take you home.” 

A look of disbelief and panic filled Ashley’s face, “Walter, I just…” 

“I heard everything you just said,” Walter began, his voice calm and steady, as he looked at her indifferently. “I won’t divorce.” 

These four words, firm and powerful, left me stunned. Ashley was stunned too. She probably didn’t expect Walter to speak to her so bluntly. 

This statement was clearly telling her that he could not possibly divorce, advising her not to harbor any inappropriate thoughts. 

For a moment, Ashley’s face turned deathly pale, her eyes slightly red. She opened her mouth, but was unable to utter a single word. 



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Roy timely spoke again, “Ms. Conner, I’ll take you home.” 

This time, Ashley was like a defeated hen, hanging her head and walking away step by step. 

Watching her leave, I withdrew my gaze, the low and restrained voice of Walter came to my cars, “Are you okay?” 

I shook my head, said nothing, and headed towards Carley’s ward. 

My wrist was gripped by Walter, I frowned, looking at him with displeasure, “Is there something, Mr. Hinton?” 

He raised his eyebrows, his handsome face betraying no emotion, “Do you think I’m stupid?” 

I paused, suddenly recalling the words I had just spoken with Ashley. He had just said that he heard everything, which presumably included the part where I called him stupid. 

For a moment, I felt guilty and lost my confidence. I pursed my lips and said, “You’re overthinking it. Those words were just something I said in the heat of an argument with Ashley. Besides, you said it yourself, you’re not stupid.” 

This statement was fine without explanation, but once explained, it always seemed a bit off. 

I could tell, and naturally, Walter could too. I initially thought that given Walter’s personality, he would probably get angry, but surprisingly, his expression didn’t change much. 

He just slightly raised his eyebrows and said lightly, “Don’t pretend to fall or do such things in the future, it doesn’t suit you.” 




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Uh, he figured it out. 

Just as I was about to retort, he glanced at me sideways, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, and slowly uttered two words, “Too fake.” 


Speechless for a moment, I shook off his hand and stopped talking to 


It was just that the man was too strong. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake him off. Instead, it made him grip tighter. In the end, I simply stopped talking. 

Seeing my silence, his voice softened a bit, and he began, “Tabatha.” 

I spoke, my voice not particularly friendly, “What do you want?” 

“Did we meet at the border five years ago?” 

I froze, my heart skipped a beat. I had heard his conversation with Roy in the hallway. I thought he would only ask me if the person who left with him in Fallwall years ago was me, unless Roy found solid. evidence. 


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