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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 You All Should Visit Me More Often 

In the sickroom. 

Emma was feeding Carley when she saw us come in. Emma wiped Carley’s mouth and put down the food box in her hand, looking at us and said, “You’re back.” 

Walter and I nodded together. 

Carley glanced at us and said to Emma, “William might be arriving, you should go downstairs to meet him.” 

Emma nodded, stood up, greeted us, and then left. 

Carley looked at us, her gaze falling on me. She slightly raised her hand towards me, her voice still somewhat weak, “Tabatha, come and talk to me.” 

I walked to Carley’s bedside, glanced at the food box beside her, barely took a few bites, then looked at Carley and asked, “Grandma, are you still eating? I can feed you.” 

She shook her head, looking at me with affectionate eyes, “Tabatha, thank you for coming to see me, I’m afraid I’m on my way out.” 

I didn’t know why, but when I heard her say this, my heart ached. I quickly said, “Grandma, don’t talk nonsense. You just had a fall. Once you recover, you still have many years to spend with us.” 

She smiled faintly and said, “Silly child, everyone has to die. I’ve lived long enough, it’s enough. I just feel sorry for you, Tabatha. I was too harsh on you before. Do you resent me?” 




I shook my head, smiled and said, “You are our elder, your demands on us younger ones are for our own good.” 

She sighed, patting me with the hand that held the needle, and said with relief, “You are a good child.” 

After speaking, she slightly lifted her eyes to look at Walter, her face slightly darkened, showing obvious displeasure. “Walter, have you sent that woman away?” she asked. 

The woman Carley was referring to was naturally Ashley. 

Walter nodded, “Roy took her home.” 

Carley’s face darkened even more, and she said, “I told you to get her out of the country!” 

Walter’s brow furrowed slightly as he looked at Carley, saying, “Grandma, she’s pregnant, about to give birth.” 

“What’s it to you?” Carley’s voice was low, but the anger was clearly audible. Without waiting for Walter to speak, she said, “Three days, I give you three days. You must send her away, or I will take matters into my own hands.” 

This statement was not open to any dispute at all. 

Walter’s handsome brows slightly furrowed, he didn’t speak, neither refusing nor agreeing. 

I didn’t plan to interfere in this matter, thinking about getting up and preparing to leave. 

Unexpectedly, Carley spoke up, turning to me and saying, “Tabatha, grandma is getting old, I have a favor to ask you.” 

I paused for a moment, forced a smile and nodded, “Grandma, you just 


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say it. As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you get it done.” 

Seeing my overly serious expression, she couldn’t help but smile and said, “You’re such a sensible child. Look at me now, I’m afraid I won’t live much longer. When people get old, they just want their children and grandchildren around them. Can you and Walter come to see me more often these days?” 

I was taken aback, waiting for her to continue, but she just looked at me with affection and said nothing more. 

For a moment, I couldn’t help but nod, laughing, “Grandma, you don’t need to mention it, I will come to see you often.” 

Hearing this, she was momentarily happy and let out a rare laugh. 

After the conversation between Walter and Ashley ended, Carley started chatting with me about all sorts of things. Not long after, probably due to the medicine, she fell asleep. 

After tucking Carley in, I stood up and looked back at Walter, who had been silently standing behind me, listening to my conversation with Carley the whole time. 

After exchanging a glance with him, I left the ward in silence. 

Outside the ward, William and Emma rushed over. William probably just got off the plane, looking travel-worn. Seeing me and Walter come out, he quickly asked, “Is grandma okay?” 

I nodded, “The situation has stabilized, he’s asleep now.” 


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