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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Clearly, You Mistook the Person! 

I was taken aback for a moment, looking up at him, a bit dazed for a while, and said, “It’s okay.” 

“You go to the ward to see grandma, I’ll go check on her.” Before I could finish, he had already spoken up. 

Watching him leave, I felt a bit uncomfortable. I had originally thought that if something happened to Ashley, he would at least be angry or annoyed. But just now, his expression seemed a bit calm, as if he had no intention of lashing out at me. 

Just now, Ashley said that Walter was planning to send her away. She was about to give birth, and she had already signed the divorce agreement with me. Why did he still want to send Ashley away? 

I furrowed my brows, truly somewhat confused. 

She slightly pursed her lips, decided not to think about it anymore, and turned around to go directly to Carley’s ward. 

Dale had just left, and there to go in and chat with Carley. 

one outside the sickroom. Seeing 

this, I pushed the door 

Just as I walked in, I saw a doctor in the ward who seemed to be changing Carley’s medicine. I began to speak, “Doctor, is my grandmother’s condition better today? She…” 

In the middle of our conversation, I suddenly caught sight of the syringe that the doctor hastily put away. It seemed that the doctor had just injected something into Carley’s IV tube. 

Some unpleasant thoughts suddenly popped into my mind, and I 


10:54 M 

subconsciously wanted to call out. 

Just in an instant, the doctor who was originally facing away from me suddenly turned around, quickly covering my mouth that was calling for help, and then dragged me towards the outside of the ward. 

Watching the heart monitor beside the hospital bed start to show abnormal reactions, I struggled desperately to make a noise. Fortunately, as the man was dragging me out with his hand over my mouth, I caught sight of a vase placed nearby. In the struggle, I smashed the vase. 

“Bang!” The vase hit the floor, the sound startling the people outside. Faint footsteps and voices could be heard from outside the hospital 


“What happened inside? Hurry up and go check.” 

A sound came from outside, followed by the hospital room door being pushed open. 

The man who had been covering my mouth, seeing this situation, pushed me away and suddenly rushed out when the hospital room door- was pushed open from outside. The person who came in was unprepared and was knocked down by him. 

Amid the chaos, the man ran quickly. 

I didn’t have time to think, I quickly called for help to the person who came in. Fortunately, the doctors and nurses arrived quickly. I didn’t know what the man had injected into Carley’s IV tube. 

Fortunately, Carley was rushed to the emergency room immediately. 

When Dale arrived, Carley had just been wheeled into the operating room. He was still holding something in his hand, looking at me anxiously and asking, “What happened to the lady?” 



I briefly explained the situation, and for a moment, his face turned dark. 

Hastily took out the phone to call Walter and William. 

Walter’s call just didn’t go through. 

Seeing this, I turned to Dale and said, “I’m going to find Walter.” It seemed that something had happened to Ashley, he was over there keeping watch, so he didn’t see Dale’s call. 

After speaking, I went straight to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. After asking around, I found out Ashley’s ward and went to find it. 

I learned from the doctor that although Ashley had some bleeding, the situation was not serious and the fetus was not harmed. Therefore, the doctor asked Ashley to stay in the ward for intravenous fluids and observation. 

Finding the ward where Ashley was, the door was open. In this overcrowded hospital, Ashley still managed to get a single room. Without a doubt, this was Walter’s doing. 

In the ward, Walter was sitting by the bed, his back to the door, so I couldn’t see his expression clearly. 

It was Ashley, with tears in her eyes and a redness in her gaze, as if she had just had a fight with Walter. 

“Thump thump!” I didn’t want to interfere in their affairs, but Carley was in imminent danger, I had no choice but to do so. 

Upon hearing the sound, both of their gazes simultaneously turned towards me. 

Upon seeing me, Walter subtly raised his handsome eyebrows without 




a trace, while Ashley naturally did not hide the coldness on her face. 

I pursed my lips, watching Walter as I said, “Grandma had an accident.” 


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