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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173 The Wealthy Friend 

The bedroom door was pushed open and Sebastian came in, handing me my bag and saying, “Your phone should be in the bag, it’s been ringing, it must be your family calling you.” 

I nodded, murmured a thank you, then pulled out my phone to check it. There were several missed calls from my mother, Rachel, Alexander, and… Walter. 


I glanced at the incoming call display and returned each call to assure them of my safety. When it came to Walter, I closed my phone and didn’t continue to call back. I looked up at Sebastian and asked, “Where is this?” 

He paused, then chuckled, “My friend’s house. Because you were unconscious, and you were drugged, and the man’s body was difficult to explain, so he had you brought here and had a private doctor treat you.” 

Hearing him say that, I couldn’t help but ask, “What about your friend? Can I meet him and thank him in person?” 

Sebastian paused slightly, hesitated for a few seconds and said, “Now? He might be a bit busy. You should rest first. You just woke up and your body hasn’t fully recovered yet. 

I smiled faintly, shook my head slightly, and lifted the blanket to get out of bed. He quickly stopped me, saying, “You’re not well yet…” 

“It’s okay now, I’m much better. I’ve troubled you for so long, I shouldn’t continue to be a bother.” Saying this, I got out of bed. My body still felt a bit weak, but fortunately, there was nothing seriously wrong anymore. 




Looking at Sebastian, I said, “Thank you for saving me and sorting out such a big trouble for me. If you need my help in the future, just ask. I will definitely do my best.” 

He shook his head, watching as I was determined to leave. He said, “Alright, I’ll take you.” 

As she spoke, she helped me out of the bedroom. The villa was even larger than I had imagined, luxurious and extravagant. I looked around and then turned to her, “What’s the name of your friend? I’d like to invite you both for a meal someday to thank you in person for saving my life. Could you pass on the message for me?” 

Sebastian lifted his gaze towards a door not far from the bedroom. His young eyes paused slightly, then he responded to me, “Okay.” 

Of course, I noticed his gaze. I figured his friend must be busy in that room. I thought it wouldn’t be right to disturb someone at work like that, it would be better to meet another day and formally express my gratitude. 

Not long after leaving the villa, Alexander’s car arrived. 

After helping me into the car, Alexander looked at Sebastian, expressed his thanks, and then drove me away. 

On the bus. 

Alexander asked me about what had happened at the abandoned factory. After I finished telling him, he took a deep breath and said, “Ashley is really ruthless, not even sparing her own flesh and blood.” 

I pursed my lips, refraining from making any comments, and simply asked, “How is she doing now?” 

“I heard she was still in the emergency room, the situation ivas unclear,” Alexander recounted the events of the day. “When Rachel 




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