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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 174

Chapter 174 Estrangement 

Alexander nodded, “I Imm, then… Mr. Hinton’s side…” 

I pursed my lips, and didn’t continue speaking. 

As long as the police knew I was fine, he would naturally know as well. Besides, compared to my safety, he probably cared more about Ashley’s safety. The person he wanted to protect at that moment was likely Ashley. 

Alexander seemed to be hesitating to speak. I glanced at him and said, “Since when have you become so indecisive?” 

He clicked his tongue and said, “I’m not beating around the bush, I just feel like there are some things I need to tell you. Actually, during the day and night you disappeared, Walter was very worried. In order to find traces of you, I guess he hardly rested. You can tell, he was quite anxious.” 

I pursed my lips and looked at him without saying a word. He was driving and noticed me staring at him motionlessly. Feeling a bit guilty, he asked, “Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?” 

“No.” I shook my head, saying, “Mr. Borseth, may I ask you a question?” 

“Just ask your question, why are you acting like this, making me a bit anxious?” He complained uncomfortably, shrugging his shoulders. 

Ismiled lightly, propping my cheek with one hand and tilting my head, 

“You don’t like Walter, do you?” 



As soon as I spoke, he stared at me wide-eyed, speechless, “Tabatha, are you out of your mind? I’m a straight man, do you understand? Don’t slander me, okay?” 

I smirked, “If you don’t like him, why do you always speak up for him? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had a crush on him.” 

“Hehe!” He gave a fake laugh, slightly speechless, “I’m just stating the facts, if you don’t want to hear it, then forget it.” 

The topic was dropped, the car slowly drove into Blue Silver Bay, and stopped outside the Conner family’s gate. 

I hadn’t even gotten out of the car when I saw that my mother and Rachel were already waiting at the door. 

After Alexander stopped the car, my mother and Rachel came forward, reaching out to help me. “How are you? Are you hurt?” my mother asked. 

I got out of the car, shook my head and said with a faint smile, “It’s okay, everything is fine now.” 

After speaking, he was ready to enter the door, but seeing that they didn’t move, he couldn’t help but look at them. Unexpectedly, their gazes seemed to simultaneously look towards the distance. 

Following their gaze, I was taken aback. Not far away, a black Bugatti slowly came to a halt. The door opened, and Walter, with his tall and broad figure, got out of the car and headed straight towards me. 

Watching the approaching person, I slightly furrowed my brows. Seeing that he was about to reach out to grab me, I instinctively took a step back, avoiding his outstretched hand. 

The man’s knotted hand stiffened for a moment, then slowly withdrew. His dark eyes fell on me, his voice somewhat hoarse, “Are you okay?” 




I shook my head, politely distancing myself, “It’s okay, thank you for your concern, Mr. Hinton.” 

He furrowed his brow slightly without a trace, a look I couldn’t decipher appeared on his tired but still handsome face. After a moment, he nodded slightly, not saying much else. 

After all, having been drugged and running a high fever, I was still somewhat tired, my head a bit dizzy, and didn’t want to talk to him much. I looked at him and directly asked, “Does Mr. Hinton have business here?” 

Walter’s face slightly darkened, then he looked at me and shook his head, his voice hoarse with a hint of desolation, “It’s okay, just came to see you.” 

I had an accident, but I didn’t elaborate further. I just said, “Thank you, Mr. Hinton, I’m fine now.”, 

His words were brief, but I knew he had heard the hint to leave. 

After a slight pause, he nodded, his face unreadable as he said, “It’s good that you’re okay. You should rest well, I won’t disturb you anymore.” 

After speaking, he turned around and got in the car. 

I didn’t linger either, I turned around and went straight into the Conner family 


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