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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 The Child Was Not Mine 

I stood at the door, frowning involuntarily. Sending someone out? Who? 

Come to think of it, he had said before that he wanted to send Ashley away. Was he really going to send Ashley away? 

When I was lost in thought, Walter had already noticed me standing by the door. Seeing me, he hung up the phone, walked towards me, and asked: “Awake?” 

I nodded, looking at him and asked, “Who are you sending to Aeledge?” 

“Ashley.” He responded to me, then led me downstairs and had me sit 

at the dining table. He then brought up a few hot dishes. 

Seeing this, I was somewhat surprised. How did he know I was hungry? 

Of course, I wouldn’t ask such a question. As long as there’s food, just eat quietly. 

“Tabatha,” he suddenly spoke. 

I looked up at him, my mouth busy, eating and asking at the same time, “What’s wrong?” 

He looked at me, his gaze seemingly serious, “Ashley’s child, it’s not mine.” 

“Cough…” The words were so sudden that I choked. 



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After a severe bout of coughing, he handed me some warm water. After a while, when I gradually recovered, I looked at him and asked, “Why are you so sure the child isn’t yours?” 

Henry was so sure that day that the child was his, which made me a bit curious. How could they be so certain about who the child’s father was? 

Upon hearing this, a slight frown creased Walter’s brow, but he still spoke up. “I never touched her!” 

For a few seconds, I was stunned, truly and utterly stunned. 

Seeing that I didn’t speak, he continued, “She wasn’t doing well by Henry’s side, so when she found out she was pregnant, she secretly returned to the country to find me. I owe her my life, there’s no reason for me not to take care of her and her child. I originally planned to send them to a safe place, but I didn’t expect that both you and grandma would know about this and misunderstand.” 

When he spoke, he liked to stare straight at people. I felt a bit uncomfortable under his gaze, so I reached out, took a cup, and took a sip of water. I didn’t respond to him, as I really didn’t know what to say for a moment. 

After a long while, I finally asked, “So, what do you plan to do next?” 

After a slight furrow of his brow, he looked at me and said, “After the start of winter, I had already arranged for someone to take her to Aeledge. I will explain everything to my grandmother, and I will also go and clarify things with your mother.” 

I nodded, and for a moment, I found myself without a plan. 

Carley, in order to legitimize the child in Ashley’s womb, deliberately fabricated a non-existent child for me. Wouldn’t she be furious if she knew that the child in Ashley’s womb was not Walter’s? 


Somehow, the atmosphere suddenly became somewhat indescribable. I had originally thought that there was already something going on between him and Ashley. 

Now that he has said these things to me, I feel a mix of emotions all at 


Taking a slight breath, I looked at him and asked, “So, just how old is the child in Ashley’s belly?” 

He served me some food and began to speak, “It’s already been four months now.” 

Four months ago? 

When I found out Ashley was pregnant, the baby in her belly wasn’t two months, but three months? 

No wonder she had been wearing loose clothes all the time after she returned to her country. 

It was April now, her belly must have been quite big already, hadn’t Carley noticed anything wrong? 

In thought, I noticed Walter looking at my stomach. Subconsciously, I pulled my clothes over it and pursed my lips, asking, “What’s wrong?” 

He looked at me, his lips slightly pursed, and said, “Our child is almost three months old now, you’re too thin, you should eat more.” 


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