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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Rachel’s Discovery 

I had never seen such an expectant look in his eyes. For a moment, there were indeed some words that I just couldn’t utter. 

I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t pregnant, and I also wanted to tell him that we were destined to part ways. But when I saw his expectant gaze, I inexplicably found myself nodding 

Seeing me nod, he gave a rare smile and said, “I’ve arranged for someone to go to Chesterburg for the Conner Group. They will find the person as soon as possible. I can’t currently utilize all of the Hinton family’s assets, but I can use all of my personal assets to help the Conner Group through this difficult time. Don’t worry too much, just focus on taking care of yourself in the future.” 

I had never seen him like this before. He used to be gentle and polite, but not as delicate and meticulous as he was at that moment, even showing an indescribable thoughtfulness. 

This version of him left me somewhat dazed. 

Somehow, I suddenly wanted to ask him, was he concerned about the child in my belly, or me? 

But when the words reached my lips, I changed my tune, saying, “Walter, if one day, both Ashley and I did something unforgivable to you, would you choose to believe me, or Ashley?” 

He furrowed his handsome brows, the crease between them deepening, “Why would you suddenly ask such a question?” 

I paused for a moment, shook my head slightly, and forced a smile, saying, “No, I just really wanted to ask you.” 



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He pursed his lips, not speaking anymore. 

Ashley was special to him, that much was clear to me these days, even if my eyes were not blind. Even if their relationship was not what I thought it was, the more it was like this, the more it proved that Ashley was different to him. 

Most women wouldn’t mind if their husband had slept with a woman of ill repute, but they would care a lot if he couldn’t let go of his unattainable love. 

The person you can’t obtain and can’t let go of, is the most lethal one! 

Ashley was Walter’s moonlight! 

After eating, I always felt that I seemed to be a bit gluttonous and sleepy recently. I just finished eating and I was sleepy again. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong, so I indulged myself a lot. 

The next day. 

I was sleeping deeply when Rachel’s call came in, and I responded to the phone in a somewhat dazed manner. 

Rachel’s voice came through the phone, “Tabatha, why are you still sleeping? I have something to tell you, are you available to listen now?” 

I grunted in acknowledgement. 

There was a moment of hesitation before he said, “I have a significant discovery about Henry, do you want to hear it?” 


– I paused for a moment, my mind clearing a bit, and said into the phone, 

“What’s the matter?” 



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night. Guess what I saw?” 

I frowned upon hearing this, couldn’t help but ask, “You went to the casino alone?” 

She hummed in agreement, excitedly saying, “I saw Henry actually…'” 

“Rachel!” I interrupted her, frowning, “Going to a casino alone, not to mention that Henry is completely inhumane, but the casino is such a chaotic place, do you know how dangerous it is? How many lives do you have?” 


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