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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Ashley Begged Me 

Hearing her words, I became somewhat worried and interrupted her, “Rachel, don’t get involved in Henry’s matter anymore, the police will have their plans.” 

She clicked her tongue and said, “What about Carley from the Hinton family? That day in the small building, Henry had asked Ashley to find a way to deal with Carley. Don’t think she wouldn’t do it!” 

Of course, I knew what kind of person Ashley was. Now that Walter was preparing to send her away, she might not even have the chance to make a move. What I was more worried about now was Rachel. Speaking into the phone, I said, “Don’t worry about others, just take care of yourself. Don’t do anything too dangerous, you hear me?” 

“Got it!” I responded, probably annoyed by my chatter, she said directly, “I have things to do, let’s talk another day!” 

After speaking, he hung up the phone. 

The phone was hung up, and I couldn’t help but sigh. I didn’t know if it was because of her profession as a journalist, but I always felt that Rachel was not only curious, but also loved to take risks. This was a good thing, but not necessarily a good thing. 

After sitting on the bed for a while, I finally got up and went downstairs. I had assumed that Walter would have gone to the office by this time, but unexpectedly, he was still in the villa. 

When I went downstairs and saw him in the kitchen, I was a bit taken aback. Why wasn’t he at work and what was he doing in the kitchen? 

When in doubt, he probably heard some noise and turned back to look 



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at me, staring at me and said, “Awake?” 

I nodded, walked over to his side, and noticed that he had an apron tied around his waist, seemingly cooking something. I couldn’t help but glance into the kitchen. 

“Red dates bird’s nest,” he began, looking at me, “Roy said his sister- in-law used to eat this when she was pregnant. It’s good for both the pregnant woman and the fetus.” 

I was stunned for a moment, feeling an indescribable taste in my heart, very bitter. I didn’t have a child in my belly, what good would it do? 

From the day I met Walter, I knew he would be a good father and a responsible husband. Regardless of love or not, he was always good to his wife and children. 

If I could have lived with him, perhaps this life would have been a good choice. 

Looking at him, I opened my mouth and said, “Thank you.” 

Seeing me say thanks, he slightly furrowed his handsome brows, looking at me and said, “We are husband and wife, there’s no need to constantly have ‘thanks’ on our lips.’ 

I forced a smile and didn’t say much more. Even if he had explained Ashley’s situation, the fact remained that I didn’t have a child. Carley had only given me two months to divorce him, and one month wast already about to pass. 

Even if he had the intention, but Carley on the other hand… 

Something that happened five years ago! 

Thinking of this, I suddenly remembered Owen, whom I had seen in the alley before. If Owen were to be captured and made to clarify the 




events from five years ago, perhaps Carley could… 

As for the child… 

Walter placed the cooked red date bird’s nest in front of me, noticing my somewhat unnatural expression, he said, “This is my first time cooking this, can you see if it’s edible?” 

Where was I in the mood to taste anything at that moment? After taking a perfunctory sip, I looked at him and said, “I have something to tell you, I actually didn’t…” get pregnant. 

Before I could finish the last two words, a sound came from outside the door. 

“Walter, why?” Ashley burst in suddenly, so suddenly that both Walter and I were taken aback, turning to look at her. 


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