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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Hesitation and Indecision 

Looking at me, Carley furrowed her brows slightly and asked, “Did you come here for something?” 

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. 

Seeing this, Carley didn’t ask any more questions. Instead, she turned to Ashley and said, “Let’s go, accompany me to see Walter. This child hasn’t been back to the old house for quite some time. I’m curious to see just how busy his work is.” 

Saying so, he directly got on the elevator. 

Ashley naturally saw me as well. Her face darkened slightly, but only for a moment, before returning to normal. With a smile on her face, she followed Carley into the elevator. 

Judging by the looks of it, there was no need for me to go up. I took a slight breath, turned around to leave, only to unexpectedly run into Roy who was coming in. 

Seeing me, Roy expressed his surprise, “Madam, how come you are here? Are you looking for Mr. Hinton? He just finished a meeting. I can accompany you upstairs.” 

I shook my head with a smile, looking at him and said, “It’s okay, I was just passing by, no need to bother him anymore. You go ahead with your work, I have something else to do so I’ll leave now.” 

After speaking, I took a step and left the Hinton Group. 

Going to find Walter now would probably seem superfluous, after all, Carley and Ashley were there, and I couldn’t really say anything 

Besides, Carley had come, Walter would inevitably return to the old house in the evening. 

Even though I knew about his affair with Ashley, I still felt uncomfortable. After all, he was still my husband, and it was unsettling for anyone to let him take care of a pregnant woman. 

“Ding ding…” The phone in the bag started to vibrate. 

pulled out my phone, saw it was Walter calling, and couldn’t help but pause for a moment. After hesitating for a few seconds, I answered, habitually saying into the phone, “Hello…” 

“Are you here? Why don’t you come up?” Walter’s restrained, deep voice came from the other end of the phone. 

I paused for a moment, subconsciously turned my head and looked up at the Hinton Group building. The dozens of floors high building was all deep blue reflective glass, nothing else could be seen. 

Drawing back my gaze, I spoke into the phone, “Not going up, are you… coming back to Water Villa tonight?” 

“Walter, guess what grandma and I brought for you? Your favorite fried crisps,” Ashley’s voice echoed from the other end of the phone. 

I slightly furrowed my brows, guessing that Carley and Ashley must have already been in Walter’s oflice. 

“See you tonight.” Walter’s voice came from the other end of the phone, then he hurriedly added, “I’ll call you back in a bit.” 

After speaking, the phone had already been hung up. 

Holding the phone, all I heard was the beeping sound of a disconnected call. 

After a long silence, I hung up the phone and walked somewhat 

numbly to the car. My head was slightly aching. I sat in the car in a daze for a while before I started the car and drove back to Water Villa. 

Such a huge villa, completely empty. Living here alone for a long time, one’s heart would become as empty as this place. 

Sitting on the sofa, I slowly came back to my senses, realizing that going to the Hinton Group to find Walter was too impulsive of me. 

Walter did indeed explain his relationship with Ashley to me. He never touched her, and the child wasn’t hers, but that didn’t mean he had no feelings for her. 

He was obsessed with taking responsibility for the non-existent child in my womb, but I overlooked the fact that responsibility and affection are two different things. He explained so much to me, not out of affection, but out of duty and obligation. 

If it wasn’t for his love for me, his desire to have children with me, but only because of duty and obligation, he wanted to protect me, burying his feelings for Ashley deep in his heart. A man with the moonlight of another woman in his heart, was this the kind of marriage I truly wanted? 

Humans are indeed greedy. In the past, knowing that he and Ashley were not innocent, I gave up hopelessly. Now that I know they are innocent, I care about the person he loves again. 

Thought too much, the mind became chaotic. 

I didn’t know how I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I was already in Walter’s arms. Seeing his magnified handsome face, I was startled. Just as I was about to struggle, he tightened his grip and lowered his voice, saying, “Don’t move!” 

Carrying me into the bedroom, he laid me on the bed and said, “The 


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