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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 Ashley wanted to collaborate with me? 

He furrowed his brows slightly, his face becoming a bit more serious as he looked at me and asked, “Why do you suddenly ask?” 

Watching his reaction, I couldn’t quite pinpoint why I felt a certain heaviness in my heart, but I still said, “I just wanted to ask, Ashley said Henry wasn’t good to her, I want to know, would you protect her unconditionally for the rest of your life?” 

He pursed his lips, his dark eyes deep and distant. After a long while, he slowly spoke, answering not the question asked, “She is different from others.” 

Different from others. 

I felt a lump in my throat, unable to decide whether to laugh or cry at that moment. I was initially very happy that he explained his relationship with Ashley to me. 

The atmosphere fell silent for a long time. Walter looked at me, his dark eyes deep and somewhat obscure. After a while, he finally looked at me and asked, “Why are you suddenly asking me these things?” 

I forced a smile, my face somewhat stiff as I said, “Just curious.” 

He looked at me like this, sighing somewhat helplessly, “Tabatha, you are my wife, forever and always.” 

I nodded, opening my mouth tiredly to say, “Go to bed earlier, I’m a bit sleepy.” 

Lying in bed, she turned her back to him, an indescribable feeling in 

her heart. 

After a while, he laid down beside me, but didn’t start a conversation. 

That night, they looked at each other in silence. 

The next day. 

The temperature in River City had become increasingly cold, the weather was foggy and there was a light rain, which greatly affected my mood. When I woke up, Walter had already left. 

I went to the Conner Group. 

As soon as I entered the office, I ran into Alexander. He looked me up and down with his arms crossed, frowning, “Did you hang out with Walter last night?” 

Why did this sentence sound so awkward? 

I gave him a blank look and said speechlessly, “Speak properly, he is my husband, what do you mean by ‘messing around”?” 

“Tsk!” He said irritably, looking at me, “Auntie Eileen nagged me all night yesterday, saying she’s afraid you won’t divorce Walter because of the child. You’re not really thinking that way, are you?” 

Looking at his gossiping face, I really didn’t feel like talking about this with him. I asked, “What did the police station say about Abagail’s 


Speaking of the matter at hand, he became serious and said, “We’ve figured it out, and it’s pretty much as we suspected. Dr. Samuel was too impatient and used too much medication, which led to Abagail’s death. The police have already convicted him in court.” 

I nodded, paused for a moment, and looked at him, asking, “Has someone taken care of Abagail’s allairs?” 

He shook his head, “I didn’t pay attention to this. The person is already dead. After the police station completes the autopsy, they usually notify the family to send the body to the funeral home for burial.” 

“Could you ask for me when her funeral will be? I’d like to pay my respects,” I said, feeling somewhat downcast. In the mental hospital, Abagail had helped me, but I hadn’t been able to save her unscathed. 

Alexander grunted in acknowledgement, seeing that my mood didn’t seem high, he didn’t continue to tease me. 

The things that happened these past two days were all very upsetting. 

At noon, Ashley stormed into my office, her eyes black and blue, glaring at me angrily, “Tabatha, we need to talk.” 

Looking at her, my expression became much calmer, a faint smile playing on my lips, “What do you want to talk about?” 

She pulled up a chair and sat down, her dark eyes fixed on me, cutting straight to the chase, “Collaboration!” 

I frowned, particularly puzzled, and looked at her, “Cooperate? Cooperate on what?” 

She touched her already swollen belly, looked at me and said, “Let me stay in River City, I will never disturb your life with Walter. I will explain things to Carley about what happened in the past, so you can live without worries in the Hinton family.” 


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