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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 Morning Sickness 

Our eyes met, Walter’s eyes were very dark and deep. I couldn’t figure out what he was thinking at that moment, I just felt that there was something in his gaze at me that I couldn’t fathom. 

“Mr. Hinton, Mrs. Hinton, the dining room is ready. Please make your way there!” Odin’s voice rang out. 

Hearing Odin’s voice, Walter let go of my hand, but he didn’t give me an answer, he just glanced at Odin, indicating that he understood. 

Seeing this, Odin tactfully walked away. 

In the vast courtyard, it was just him and me, the silence was so intense that it was somewhat uncomfortable. 

Unable to wait for his answer, I had no intention of continuing this stalemate with him. I planned to go to the restaurant, finish my meal, and return to the Conner family early 

But my wrist was grabbed by Walter Seeing this, I frowned, already out of patience. Holding back my temper, I looked at him and said, “Walter, if you’re not hungry and don’t want to eat, could you please stop holding me? I want to go eat, please let go!” 

He slightly furrowed his brows, his dark pupils slightly squinted, and he responded irrelevantly, “What about you?” 

I was stunned, a bit bewildered, but it was only a moment before I snapped back to reality. 



Did she love him? 

It seemed like I had known the answer for a long time. 

But it seemed to not matter anymore. Besides, what could my words. possibly change? The Ashley in his heart was irreplaceable. If I spoke up, it would only serve to embarrass myself. 

I pursed my lips, brushed off his hand and said, “Enough, I was just asking casually. We both know that we don’t love each other. Our marriage is nothing more than a business alliance. Don’t worry, I won’t ask you such boring questions in the future. I’m starving, let’s go eat.” 

After saying that, I turned and jogged towards the dining room without looking back. 

An indescribable loneliness filled my heart. It’s indeed good for a 

person to have self-awareness. At least, it prevents one from hearing at denial directly from the other party, which could make both sides feel very awkward. 

The Old House Restaurant was specifically used for family gatherings. The dining table was large, enough to seat more than a dozen people. For Carley’s birthday feast, both the elders and the younger generations had returned. 

In the aristocratic families, it wouldn’t be fair to say that their familial relationships were cold. On the surface, everyone seemed close and friendly. But what happened behind closed doors, no one knew. 

After exchanging greetings with each of the uncles and aunts of the Hinton family, I tried to make myself as inconspicuous as possible. Walter, on the other hand, was different. Carley took a liking to him, so as soon as he appeared, everyone gathered around to greet him. 

Thus, I didn’t have to face Walter’s cold face for a while. 


Carley was quickly brought over by Dale as well, and as soon as she arrived, Dale had the chef serve the dishes. 

The Hinton family was strict with their home education, and there was hardly any conversation at the dinner table. I was quite hungry 

initially, but perhaps the atmosphere was too serious, I surprisingly had no appetite for the table full of delicacies. 

Looking at some of the meats that I usually loved to eat, for some reason, they always seemed to smell too gamey, and my stomach became increasingly uncomfortable. 

After dinner, Walter had been in a bad mood and left the old house with me. 

Once I got on the car, it hadn’t been long before I felt a surge in my stomach and couldn’t help but retch. 

Seeing this, Walter pulled the car over to the side of the road, patted my back and let me vomit for a while. The little that was originally in my stomach, was now all thrown up. 

By the end, only bile was being vomited, and uncontrollable dry heaving still persisted. 

Seeing this, Walter thought it was something I had just eaten at the dinner table. He took out his phone to call Dale and ask if there was a problem with tonight’s meal. 

I recovered slowly and stopped him, saying, “Stop hitting, I’m fine, it might be car sickness, I’ll be fine after a while.” 

Seeing this, he furrowed his brows, accompanied me by the roadside. for a while to get some fresh air, and only got in the car when he saw that I was feeling better. 


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