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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Not Giving Up Until Hitting the Wall 

I took the water handed over by my mother, rinsed my mouth, took a breath and asked, “What pregnancy reaction?” 

“After a woman gets pregnant, most of them will have these reactions. How can you be so clueless?” The mother teased helplessly with a smile, seeing that I was very weak, she said, “You go lie down on the bed and rest for a while, I see that you’ve vomited your stomach empty, I’ll go make some food to replenish you.” 

I didn’t refute my mother’s words, I just nodded slightly and went back to lie on the bed. Subconsciously, my hand rested on my lower abdomen. Morning sickness? 

Whether I was pregnant or not, of course I knew clearly. But how could I suddenly have such severe dry heaving? 

“What are you thinking about?” A sudden, deep, restrained voice came from beside the bed. I turned my head to look, it was Walter. 

He stood by the bed, looking down at me from above. 

I paused for a moment, sat up, and said to him, “I’m not feeling well today, so I won’t go to Water Villa.” Ashley was taken back to the old house by her mother. I was a bit worried that she might cause some trouble, so I decided to stay here for a while. 

He nodded, probably noticing my pale face, and didn’t refute my words. He said, “Well, then stay here and rest.” 

He was so easy to talk to, I was a bit unaccustomed to it. But then I thought, I had just vomited so violently, he probably thought, like my mother, that it was morning sickness. He cared about the child in my 



belly, so naturally, he wouldn’t make things too difficult for me. 

Thus, it saved me from a tug of war with him. I felt a bit tired after vomiting just now. Seeing him find a spot to sit in my room, it seemed like he didn’t plan to leave anytime soon. 

I couldn’t help but frown, saying, “It’s getting late, aren’t you going back to Water Villa?” 

He raised his eyebrows slightly, his dark eyes looking at me, his voice low and restrained, “You are my wife, you stay here and let me go back?” 

I was taken aback, puzzled, and asked, “Are you staying here tonight?” 

He raised an eyebrow, “Not allowed?” 


In theory, it was acceptable for a son-in-law to live in his father-in- law’s house, but… 

Having been married for two years, he seemed to have never stayed over at the Conner family’s. His sudden decision to stay made me feel a bit uncomfortable. 

Unable to find a reason to refuse him at the moment, I had no choice but to nod, “Okay!” 

“Clang!” A noise came from outside, followed by the sound of various things breaking. 

I was taken aback, thinking something had happened to my mother, and hurriedly got out of bed to check. 

Not wanting to be half-carried back to bed by Walter, I frowned and said displeasingly, “What are you doing, Walter?” 

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He glanced down at my bare feet and said in a low voice, “Put on some shoes before you go.” As he spoke, he had already fetched the slippers from the other side of the bed and put them on for me. 

I was a bit surprised, this person… 

Thinking of this, I shook my head, shrugged off those impractical things, got out of bed and left the bedroom. 

The sound came from a room not far away, it was Ashley’s room. 

After the sound of things being smashed subsided, Ashley’s hysterical scream echoed. For a moment, I hadn’t reacted yet when Walter behind. me quickly pushed open Ashley’s room door and went in. What followed was his worried inquiry, “What happened?” 

I stood frozen in place, staring at Ashley’s bedroom door, dumbfounded for a long time. 


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