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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 11

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 11 – “Calm down, we won’t hurt you Addie, just go back to sleep” Eli says looking at Cyrus.

“How is she awake already?” He questions and I feel Cyrus shrug before Eli pulls a little red bag from underneath the seat Cyrus is sitting on. He undoes the zip and I notice more syringes filled with a clear liquid. My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my wrists and ankles pulsating underneath my skin, hear it in my ears. Who the f**k carries around sedatives besides serial killers and f*****g lunatics?

“Please don’t” I cry, my lip quivering when I watch him pull one out. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Never have I felt so vulnerable, they could literally do as they please with me and I would be powerless to stop them.

Cyrus moves, my eyes snapping to him. He runs the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip making my lips part.

“We didn’t do it to hurt you, just to stop you from panicking. If you calm down, we won’t have to” He says, his breath fanning my lips, his face was that close. His smell calms me slightly and I feel my pulse start to slow, my eyes feeling heavy but I refuse to let them close, scared they would inject me with whatever the h**l they used to make me this way.

Eli places it back in the bag before zipping it up. I let out the breath I was holding relaxing against Cyrus. His hand moving up down my leg and I feel goosebumps rise on my skin, tingles moving over my skin before his hand stops underneath my skirt at the apex of my legs, his

fingertips resting on the lace of my panties. Eli gets up walking somewhere behind me toward the back of the plane before returning with a bottle of water and a straw. He cracks the lid before placing the straw in and bringing it to my lips and I take a sip not realising how dry my mouth was until the cool liquid quenched my thirst.

My lips parting and he pulls it away before putting it in a cup holder next to Cyrus. He shocks me when he leans down kissing my forehead, making me furrow my brows. Why would he do that? Why do any of this?


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