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Fates Hands novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Adira was told that her sister, was only her half sister on her fathers side. Lily was her half sister, that explains a lot really. Lily left the pack and now she is before the king for trial and punishment. Part of Adira felt sorry for Lily, she never really had any one either. Sure she did some really terrible things and now she will pay for them.

Adira just couldn’t hate her, not that Lily ever gave her a reason not to hate her. She saw Lily once walking alone in the park one day. Adira couldn’t get that image out of her mind, Lily looked full of despair and so alone. Adira knew that this was Lily’s true face. Since that day Adira could never fully hate her sister Lily.

Now hearing from Duncan, news from the Royal press. That her father and Joann killed each other with poison. It was a rather fitting death, they died like they lived. Still perhaps they got off just a bit to easy. It’s for the best though, those two might have found a way to escape punishment. They were now dead and gone. Adira decided to look no more to those memories. They took all they were going to get, she wasn’t going to give them any more.

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She wondered what kind of punishment would be given to Lily, perhaps not death but it is up to the King. Some of her actions led to other peoples deaths. She decided to let those memories go, what ever happens to Lily now is no longer her concern.

Duncan asked her if she wanted a say in what Lily’s punishment would be, she decided that it was best to leave it up to the King. There was a lot to Lily’s story that she didn’t know and to decide her punishment was wrong, because she would be predjudiced and unfair.

Adira decided that everything that was before meeting Duncan was just a nightmare that would fade with time and be erased by the love in her new life. 2

She did feel uneasy though, she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. If she knew anything it was this, Alpha Micheal must be punished and then killed. Death was his only ending, otherwise he could come back and do even more evil than before. Not to mention those in the pack that liked to participate in the Alpha’s sins.

She was a little down when she thought of all the potential victims and deaths of innocent lives. How many will go unaccounted and forgotten?. How many are nameless and will

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forgotten?. How many are nameless and will never be found? When all this is finally over and the evil is removed forever, she decided she would do something as a memorial of all those unknown lost souls.

Tears began to run down her cheeks, she felt a hand catching her tears.

“My little wolf, why are you crying? You know I never want to see anything but happy tears in your eyes. What has gotten you so upset?.”

“Alpha Micheal has a lot to answer for, what could make someone so evil? There are so many bad wolves in our pack. There are those who knew and did nothing, some did nothing because they were trying to keep their pup’s out of the Alpha’s clutches. I just don’t understand how he gets away with it, I lived in that hell hole of a pack,and I still don’t understand it all.”

Adira leaned into Duncan with a sigh, “I was just thinking of all of those poor children and women, how many will simply be left unknown, lost. I want to design a memorial for all of them, so they are not forgotten. Perhaps choose a day to dedicate it to them, so no one ever forgets them or what was done.”

Duncan looked at her and kissed her on her nose. He whispered her name…”Adira, you are

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the single most beautiful being on this planet, just when I think I have seen all the rays of your light, you shine even brighter than before.”

“I Love You, my little wolf for all eternity and beyond.”

“I love you, Duncan my handsome naked knight. Thank you for being passed out on the floor, of the last room I had to clean.”

After the session with Lily Williams, the King sat at his desk. He was worn and tired, after learning about his Son Adams’ involvement. He rested his head on his arms and started to weep.

If there was evidence to back up what Lily told him, he was going to have to order the execution of his son.How could Adam the only family he had left in this world, have done this, molesting and raping children? Investing Royal money into that evil business, to get it started no less. Had he raised him to be so evil?.

The King howled in pain, it could be heard through out the kingdom and felt in every heart of every wolf within a 100 mile radius.

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