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Fates Hands novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Lily was in another room it wasn’t much different than the last only this one also had a small bathroom attached and everything was done in every shade of Tan. None of her things were given back to her. With nothing to do she just laid on the bed and waited. Zinnia wrapped herself around Lily, they were both resigned to their fate.

They were both hoping for a death sentence. It was no more than they deserved and it would mean they could be with Leo and Zach again. Without them there wasn’t any point to living.

Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, the door opened to reveal one of the Kings personal guards. Thinking to themselves, well this is it.

Her hands were bound before her as they walked down the empty corridors to the Kings court chambers. Those that they did meet would advert their eyes away, saying nothing.

The doors opened and before her was the King on his throne, Jack Dawson and the panel of elders. The only person not in place was her representive, every trial had the defendants representative and yet her’s was empty. Not that she expected any, still though she thought

maybe there would be someone.

In the center of the room stood a really big male in an executioners robe and cowl. He held in his hand a very sharp silver sword, it shined in the light like a bright beacon of death.

Lily walked into the room, and curtsied to the King and nodded to the elders in respect. She stood in her circle on the floor. She stood straight and silent. Then the King did something she never thought would happen, he stood up and walked to the place where her representive would stand. In doing so he gave up his right to sentence Lily or have any say in the prosecutorial proceedings. Those in the commons balcony all gasped. ( The commons balcony is where normal citizens could watch the proceedings or the court.)

The King spoke to the whole room not just the elder council.

“I come before you today not as the King but rather as this woman’s representitive. I do this because not only am I the only witness to the truth of her story but also because there isn’t anyone left to stand here on her behalf.”

“I have given all of you the interrogation record and my notes, as well as the evidence against

to point out the reasons for her actions. I ask that you take into consideration the abuse she suffered and the horrible loss of her Mate.”

“She willingly did things that were terrible, she was party to things out of her control and had no guidance to tell her otherwise. Once her mate was killed in that horrible manner her wolf also left her for a time in pain, thus she did things out of anger and pain that she may have not normally done.”

“None of these things can say that the actions of her choices were not hers, she chose to do what she did. For this she will have to punished, abused or not. All that I ask is that you take the sentence of Death off the table.”

With that the King went to stand next to Lily, as is his place as the representitive at time of sentencing. The council of elders got up and went into the side chambers to discuss the case and punishment.

The King did not particulary care for Lily and the things she had done, he understood, yes. He was compassionate for what she had been through, no one should of had to suffer as she has. Understanding why doesn’t change the fact that the crimes were committed, nor does it excuse the criminal of those crimes.

He had to admit though she stood strong and ready for what was to come, she was sorry for what she had done but she understood what is done is done, there is no going back. If she was to die for what she had done, she was at least ready to face it. He wondered how she would face a sentence other than death though.

Lily was surprised when the King stepped in to be her representitive, she wasn’t exactly his friend when she delivered the news of his son. She wasn’t a good person and she had been through some tough crap. She was sorry for the ones she hurt that didn’t deserve it, especially Spare.

The only family she had left, perhaps one day Spare could forgive her. What is done, is done. There is no going back, only foward to wherever or whatever that may be. The room was as silent as the grave, no one spoke as they read about her and the things she went through. The council of elders has been out now for over an hour.

Lily went inside herself to be with Zinnia, they both sat together watching the sun set in Zinnia’s world. Zinnia looked at Lily, now comes the night my little one. Perhaps it will rise with a few stars to light our way.

The King watched the shewolf as she went

inside herself to be with her wolf. He normally wouldn’t allow for such a thing, since he was her representitive and no one else could say ho, he let it be. Let her have a little time with the only being that truly understands her completely.

“Since there is no way for us to be sure of the exact numbers, we have decided that since you have been alive for 19 almost 20 years that you will serve 20 years plus 5. Your sentence will start at sunrise tomorrow morning. You will start out as the offical floor scrubber, from sunrise to sunset.”

Lily said nothing as she was escorted out of the room, they led her to the same room she spent the night before in. On the bed was a napkin, she opened it, it was a sandwich and an apple for her dinner. She noticed on the back of the door were two uniforms hanging from hangers.


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