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Fates Hands novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Jack Dawson, Alpha of the ColdMountain Pack, a large pack of werebears all of them were bikers. He sat just outside the forest waiting for Duncan’s Beta. When Duncan told him everything that was going on with that stupid pack, he wanted to run down there and wipe them all out. Putting a tracker on a girl, there is only one maybe two reasons that someone would do that, neither of them were good.

Jack could hear a bike coming off in the distance, perhaps two or three miles away. He hoped that, those damn fleabags would come here looking for her. He’d show them what bears could do to weak wolves. First though he would lead them on a merry chase, right smack dab into the middle of his territory.

He also sent two of his best hunter-trackers to Duncan to help patrol his borders in case they want a war. He was really sick of were’s of all kinds, doing this kind of crap. Seems like there is at least one in every kind of were species and he’d personally wiped out another werebear pack last month, they were running drugs and kidnapping young human children.

The motor of the bike coming up to him took

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him from his thoughts, as he watched Beta Marco pull up to him.

“Hey, Marco long time no see.” He held out his hand to hand him the tracker.

“Jack, I didn’t know it was you I was handing it off too.”

“Yeah, it’s me alright. You better get going, ya don’t want to hang around here too long in case they are already looking for her.’

With a salute Marco was gone again.

“Well I better get gone as well, if I want this plan to work.” Jack said to nobody as he disappeared back into the forest.

Duncan took Adira out for dinner, she chose pizza. They sat together in a small booth, waiting on the pizza.

Adira thought that this place smelled like heaven, she was all but drooling in anticipation. She looked at Duncan he was so handsome, she couldn’t get enough of looking at him and she realized that she was starting to trust him. He never berated her or was violent he was patient with her.

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t ill 50) Mate bond or not she wanted to know what it was like to kiss him. What if he thinks she is one of those kind of girls and decides to cast her aside.

Artemis growled in her head, “Will you stop that crap, everytime you start to doubt yourself or run yourself down, it is just another win for them. We made a pact that no matter how bad it gets we will never give them anything for free. If they want to take it from us we fight, if they want us to do something we do the opposite. Remember Adira, we are beautiful, smart and strong. Our mate loves us as we are and is willing to take on all of our shit. If that isn’t love Adira, then what the hell is.?” 10

Adira’s eyes started to tear up as she mentally hugged her wolf. “I remember Artemis, I remember. I love you Artemis.”

Duncan was looking at Adira, she was starting to cry and he had no idea why. He could tell that she was talking to her wolf but he had no idea what was said. They were not fully mated yet, so he had no way of speaking to Artemis.

That was when his wolf jumped in,”Maybe you can’t but I can.” ” Adira was doubting herself and Artemis was setting her straight.”

Apollo, come on what else did she say, what is

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making her cry? Why was she doubting her

Artemis?” Duncan asked.

“That piece of crap Alpha, has a talent for knowing when the she wolves shift for their first time. That’s how he knows when they are ripe for the picking. He knew that we shifted at an early age, he came the next night. He said that he was proud of the little spare, he rewarded us with pizza and soda. We hadn’t eaten in three days, so without thought we started eating.”


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