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Fates Hands novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Alpha Micheal was waiting for the exact location pings off of the tracker. One of his enforcers placed a map down on the table and started to put little pins in it, for the various pings on the system.

When they were done they sat down and studied it, This one here is the base that is her home Then there is one at the school, one at the library and the next when she was working at the hotel. This is where it gets a little odd.

After her shift at the hotel she came home for a little bit, we assumed she was packing. Then she was moving in a north bound vehicle. They stopped 412 miles north of here, where there was a pack called The Storm Crow Pack.”

Alpha Micheal let out a growl of anger, “That is the pack that the spy was from, last name is MacPatton.”

“Did any of you manage to get anything other than his name and pack?” “No, Alpha. We did not just what you already know. We went back the next morning but he was already gone. He paid for everything in cash, there wasn’t a paper trail to follow.”

10:33 AM 2.1KB/s “Sir, if I may continue with the time line.

“Yes, by all means continue.”

“Well as you can see here she was there for almost two days, then she is on the road again, going another 230 miles north from there. She hasn’t moved since.”

“Alpha Micheal we don’t know what is up there, if it’s a pack it is off the grid or very small. Perhaps they didn’t want to keep her at their pack, not wanting any trouble and decided that she should go deep into the north woods to hide with maybe some of her friends or perhas she is alone. It would make sense really, especially since they wouldn’t know we had the tracker.”

“He knew that we had enough information to at least find out where he came from, so he couldn’t keep her at his pack, he knew we would come looking for her there.”

Alpha Micheal smiled, “Well the jokes on him, we will just skip over his pack and go straight for the girl. Whoever is there with her, kill them. He sent all six of his enforcers, fully armed to go pick up his niece.

10:34 AM | 1.9KB/

S D Jack and his pack warriors were all ready to go, they just were waiting now for the guests of honor to show for the party. His boy’s have been itching for a little fun, can’t think of anything more fun than chasing stupid flea bags through the forest,

He could hear the engines of the car’s about two miles away now, all of the werebears were excited. They were shifted into their bears, except Jack and his second Morgan. Jack and Morgan waited at the gate, that signified where his territory began. The car’s pulled up to the gate and very arrogantly they stated that they knew, they had a girl that was missing from their neighborhood.

What a bunch of idiot’s so arrogant that they didn’t even bother to take a sniff. They just assumed that they were human. Jack smiled at them and said that they were welcome to come on in and look for her. Just like that they came on inside the gates. “Talk about stupid it almost takes the fun out of it. It’s more like we are doing mercy kills for mother nature. Stupid fleabags.”

Remember to link everyone, I want one left alive. I do not care which one. The rest kill, and have some fun with them first.

10:34 AM 0.0KB/S

After all it wouldn’t be any fun if no one was left to tell the tale. All he had to do was make that messenger believe that he had the girl and they will keep on trying to get her, giving Duncan more time to get things sorted.

Not to mention, more fun for the guy’s and less of an army to send Duncan’s way that is if they ever figure it out. As soon as the cars were out of sight, Jack and Morgan shifted into grizzly bears and were off to start the fun. 10

Duncan got a message from Jack saying that the Rising Moon pack was a bunch of stupid fleabags and that the plan was in motion. That gave him some breathing room, also time to get in touch with some other friends of his and to contact the King.

After that Adira told him everything and where he could get proof. He was really angry that she had to of gone though all that, he wondered what else they had planned for her. D

He also wondered if this pack was starting to get involved in the international mob scene. They sure fit the bill. Evil bastards, they should all get a silver rod shoved up their asses.

He looked over at Adira, she was so gorgeous

10:34 AM | 2.7Kb/s wow and that kiss the other night. His wolf was practically purring, if that was even possible. Marnie had just left after watching a movie with Adira, all she left behind was cheeto dust on his pillow in the shape of her hand. He laughed at that, she was always doing things like that, to either make you laugh or to bug the crap out of

They were walking along as Duncan was telling her some of his pack’s history, she reached out and grabbed his hand. He didn’t make a big deal about it, simply held on to her hand a little tighter. This made his wolf dance in circles, Apollo stop that your going to make us both

Duncan stopped her from going into a panic, “Adira it is a surprise, that is why I have the blind fold, don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to you. If you prefer we can leave the blind fold out of it and walk in backwards.”


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