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Her Dark Lycan novel Chapter 8

"So you're telling me you fled like your derrière had caught fire?" James asked for the nth time skeptically, his facial expression getting more dire with every second.

"I remember when Knox and i first kisses it led to us having sex, straight up," Sophia added, smiling proudly.

Venus groaned and hid her face in her hands.

After the incident the night before the only thing Venus did was run to the safety of her room and not come out till she knew she was clear.

James and Sophia visited her, girls being girls, she spilled all the 'hot tea' as James says, to her friends.

James dropped to the ground when she told them while Sophia clapped her hands ecstatically, beaming at her.

"Guys help me out, heck i cant even look at him," Venus said, frustrated.

"Fine, lets go take a walk around the pack to get your mind off this," James muttered, annoyed that his bestfriend had the opportunity to finally loose her virginity but she had to fuck it up ... Yeah thats what he was pissed about.

After changing her clothes, the three of them started walking around.

By now the pack members that were close to them had an idea about the whole mate thing, but there were some that didn't.

"I think Kendall is the most normal one in her family," Sophia argued, as the three of them walked side by side gossiping about anything that came to mind.

In the distance sounds of grunts and hits came, frowning Venus walked up the little slope and over it, for her to see on the other end wide endless levelled grass.

And it was full of training equipment, the area could easily fit 600 people, mats and punching bags and fighting rings and what not.

At the moment there were easily 100 warriors training.

James and Sophia caught up to Venus, and their reaction to this part of the pack had been the same.

Utter awe.

Venus was mesmerised by every hit and kick that was delivered, how smoothly they moved across the lush gardens, a fierce and determined look on all their faces.

While on the left side 30 warriors were moving in sync, there were also female warriors.

Pride burst in Venus, flowing through her, making her feel warm as a beautiful smile graced her rosy lips.

They made their way down, watching.

Some of the warriors halted to see who the stunning she-wolf was.

She smiled warmly at the trainer, who was an aged wolf, to others he would seem to look almost 40 when in reality he was way elder.

A bare chest, sweating wolf ran up to them.

Slightly breathless and smiling widely, he was utterly handsome.

With dirty blonde hair and baby blue eyes, a fit tanned body.

"Well hello there, I haven't seen you around here before," he stated, smiling, he had a dimple too!

Very charming, Venus thought.

"Hey, sorry I'm Venus, and i just joined the pack," she stated, smiling politely.

"Nice to meet you Venus, I'm Dean," he said, sticking his hand out.

Venus shook his hand, while James and Sophia coughed teasingly.

Venus rolled her eyes.

"So are you here to train, because if you want to i can help you," Dean offered.

Venus looked at her outfit, she wanted to but she didn't have the gear on.

"I don't think my outfit-" she was cut off when Dean shook his head, smiling mischievously.

His eyes trailing down her body.

"Its fine, I'll be showing you the basics anyways," he said, his eyes twinkling.

Venus looked at her friends who nodded.

He took her to a fighting ring.

"So first what you're going to do is fix your posture," Dean started.

Venus followed his instructions.

30 minutes into the training she was feeling hot, taking her denim jacket off she tied it around her waist, throwing her hair into a ponytail.

She was learning the basics, jab, cross, hook and uppercut.

Dean wanting to fix her stance put his hands around her waist, putting her in the needed position, as he instructed what to do he didn't let his hands drop from her waist.


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