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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 2

  It was twenty minutes later, and both walked into the service station. Ordering some McDonalds, Elijah carried the tray to the table.

  “I can’t believe you can still eat four big macs…” She said, staring at his abs. He was an alpha after all and guess with all the working out he needed it.

  “I'm a big boy, Red, I need fuel.” He replied, as they took a seat opposite each other. She took her fish fillet meal and unwrapping her burger, looked across at him. Once again, her stomach did a flip when their eyes met.

  “Are you still single? Or have you found a man that can tame that temper of yours?” He asked, biting into his burger, thinking he doubted she was single; boys had always found her sexy and hot. But it was her feisty temper that never got them far. But looking at her now, there was no way she was single. And he knew she had not found her mate or there would have been a mark on her neck.

  “Very funny Elijah, how about you? Are you still a fuckboy or have you found your mate who can tame your wild ways?" She asked, avoiding his question as she imitated the tone he had used. Knowing he hadn’t, or the entire pack would have known. Elijah smirked.

  “I like my wild ways... there are no rules when it comes to me.” He said, leaning forward as he winked at her. Her heart thudded in her chest.

  “What does that even mean?” she asked sipping her drink.

  “Figure it out, Red, figure it out…” Elijah said. His eyes fell on those red lips of hers, the way they wrapped around that straw… The way she licked her lips.

  He frowned, what the fuck was his problem. She was his stepsister, and he was checking her out a little too much… He needed to get a woman tonight, release all the pent-up energy he seemed to have inside of him.

  “Wasn’t there a blood moon like a month ago?” He asked after a moment. For werewolves, they could only find their mate on a blood moon. Something that occurred two nights in a year. It was on these nights that the bond snapped into place, as long as your mate was nearby.

  “Yes, there was.” She said, curtly frowning at her burger. If she had found her mate, perhaps these stupid feelings would have gone away.


  They were back on the road. With twenty minutes left before they got home. Elijah was bopping his knee to the music. Every now and then his gaze going to the feisty redhead in the driver's seat. Her choppy red hair hiding half her face, as she moved her body to the music.

  Suddenly, he saw a blur flash past the car.

  “Watch out!” He shouted, grabbing the steering wheel, and jerking it to the left. Scarlett let out a startled scream as she was thrown into him.

  The car flipped over as something big hit the car. A crunch of metal made Scarlett wince, feeling a painful ache in her waist until she felt a hand that sent pleasant tingles through her when he touched her there.

  Fuck Red, you're bleeding.” He murmured, receiving a groan of pain in response. “Hush I got you.”

  Kicking the door off its hinges, he rolled out, cradling her body to his chest. Standing up, he looked at the three wolves that stood there growling. He could smell they weren't rogues. Two were rather big, definitely a beta and a delta.

  “What do you want?” Elijah asked icily, moving Scarlett behind him defensively. His large body covering her much smaller one.

  The largest wolf shifted into a young man. wearing nothing, and not even phased by it. Something that was normal with werewolves. He looked around 21. His sharp brown eyes met Elijah’s blue ones. A sharp wind blew past them, rustling the grass on the roadsides.

  “Her, leave her and you are welcome to pass." He said, Scarlett froze, why did they want her? Elijah raised an eyebrow

  “You’re talking to a fucking alpha. I don’t obey fucking orders. I give them.” He growled, his voice deepening.

  The man raised his hand, stepping back.

  “I get that… but can I speak to her?” He asked tersely. Elijah growled again, ready to shift, but Scarlett placed a hand on his arm and stepped out from behind him.

  “Scarlett…” The man said, making her frown. “It’s Cade. You may not remember me, but I sure as hell can recognise those green eyes anywhere.”

  Scarlett froze, her heart thumping. Cade. There was only one Cade she knew, and he should be a hundred miles away in her father’s pack. Her heart thumped in her chest. Elijah looked at her sharply. He could hear the thudding in her chest and smell the fear in the air.


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