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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 20

  Scarlett and Elijah looked at her surprised, Scarlett had never heard of it before. Although Elijah had, it was a sick and twisted practice that was mostly unheard of…

  The woman looked around, then motioned the two to follow her.

  “I shouldn’t talk about this… but… I think you should know.” She said, her eyes lingering on them. Something about the two gave her a good feeling. Scarlett placed the knife down but Elijah refused to let her go, she frowned at him but he simply looked into those green eyes, making her heart skip a beat and guilt settle within her.

  “Don’t touch me.” She said, looking away as his arm settled around her waist, teasingly brushing against the hem of her shirt.

  Elijah smirked despite her comment, there was no hostility or command in her voice.

  “I want to.” He said, she looked into his eyes her own heart skipped a beat, why was he being so nice? Especially after the way she had treated him.. She didn’t have time to ponder on it when the woman led them to a small sitting room - If you could call it that. The door was missing, the walls were covered in old floral peeling wallpaper, in many areas it was completely gone. The floor was the same withered wood as the hallway. The only furnishing in the room consisted of two broken stained mixed matched couches and a battered coffee table that was just about standing, one leg looked as if it were about to give way. A few cheap toys lay in the corner.

  Scarlett felt guilty at the state of this place. The more she saw… the more she knew she couldn't turn a blind eye to these people. Her people.

  “Please take a seat…” The woman said gesturing to the slightly better of the two couches. Elijah was the first to sit, the sofa creaking embarrassingly under his weight. The springs were gone and one side of the armrest was completely coming off.

  “You weigh too much.” Scarlett said smirking. “The couch is giving you a hint, lose weight fatty.”

  “I could up my work out, as long as it includes you.” He said, his eyes running over her body suggestively. Her heart skipped a beat, but Elijah knew she was no longer angry. He took her hand pulling her down next to him, his arm firmly going around her shoulders and neck.

  The woman watched them and smiled.

  “We didn’t get your name…” Scarlett said, the woman nodded.

  “My apologies… but we aren't really worthy of names around here, I'm the head omega… Candice.” The woman said, Scarlett tilted her head, the woman didn’t seem familiar.

  “Have you always been in this pack?” She asked curiously.

  The woman's smile faltered, something flickering in her eyes.

  “Wh-why do you ask… yes of course I have…” She said. Elijah did not say anything, she was telling the truth, but she also seemed to be hiding something.

  “Oh, because I don’t remember you.” Scarlett said. She knew she shut a lot out… but the head Omega was a woman called Estella at the time…and she would have had a vague sense of familiarity if she had seen her before. Looking at the woman now she did notice there seemed something oddly familiar about her, but she was sure she had never met her before.

  “Remember me? You’ve visited this pack before?” Candice asked her eyes filling with sharp interest, Scarlett shook her head.

  “Never mind… It’s a long story, so what were you saying about the Alpha’s women.”

  “Ah, they were she-wolves once, the Alpha bought them home from different packs to ‘create’ the perfect Luna…” Candice said taking a deep breath. “The only thing they had in common was they came with the dreams that they were going to be a Luna of this pack and their hearts were as selfish and full of greed for power as the most rotten of us can be. I do not know what he did exactly but with the help of witchcraft they willingly killed their wolves to attain certain abilities.”

  Elijah frowned, the practice was frowned upon and practically unheard of.

  "None of us really know what they can do but they have snared many alphas, they are immune to drugs and herbs that are fatal to werewolves. Having lost their wolves, they are immune to it. Although they retain their werewolf strength, even silver cannot harm them.” Candice continued.

  Elijah looked at Scarlett, his cerulean blue eyes giving her an 'I told you it was not my fault’ look. She simply gave him a pout in return.

  “So… are they like the Luna’s?” She asked confused.

  “An Alpha who offers his Luna’s like whores now that’s a first…” Elijah remarked. Scarlett cast him a dirty look, the vision of the three women all over him returning to her mind.

  “Despite the promises, he has made none his official Luna… they simply assist him and are his mistresses. I heard he wasn’t satisfied with any of them… but whatever magic was cast upon them, they are completely loyal to him. Almost as if they no longer have a will of their own.”

  The room was silent with Elijah and Scarlett taking in what she said, it was clear that dark magic was at play here.

  “Thank you for telling us… we will not share this information with anyone.…” Scarlett said after a moment.

  “But why did you share information about your pack with us, don’t you fear for your life?” Elijah asked. Candice simply smiled, her deep blue eyes showing a glimmer of amusement.

  “Oh, he won’t kill me, not so easily anyway. I'm the one who holds this all in place…” She said motioning to the room, both understood she meant the omegas. “I didn’t want a young couple who haven't even mated and marked each other to be torn apart before the bond can even be completed.”

  Scarlett blushed and Elijah smirked.

  “We’re not… how did you know we haven't mated… wait can-” Scarlett spluttered, she was cut off when Elijah’s lips met hers in a passionate kiss, his fingers wrapping around her throat.

  ‘Stop talking sweetheart.’ He mind linked, her heart hammered but she gripped his shirt kissing him deeper, she knew she needed to apologise for her behaviour… but Elijah was confusing her, he said this would be about sex… yet he kissed and touched her any chance he got… Why did this feel so much deeper?…. Her thoughts faded away, he consumed her completely. Only the way his lips felt against hers, the way his touch made her feel, lingered in her mind. Their kisses became hotter, his hands slipped under her top stroking the smooth skin of her waist. Igniting a fire of pure desire within her, her core throbbed with a soft moan leaving her.


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