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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 29

  “As much as you want to kill me right now… You should take a look at her.” Rafael said making Elijah turn his gaze on Scarlett, thinking Rafael was simply trying to distract him until he saw her face. His stomach twisted when he saw how pale she was.

  “Fuck Red, you ok?” He murmured cupping her face, she blinked as if in a daze her head was pounding at the thought.

  “No… How… I don’t get it.” She whispered, him marking her couldn't cut her tie to the pack so easily, yes it would form a link to him but…

  “He’s an Alpha. When an Alpha marks his- someone, their pack ties are broken by default… Don’t worry, we’ll get back home and dad can re-initiate you.” He said changing his sentence mid-way and running his fingers through her silky locks.

  “I’ll uh go get some hot drinks…” Rafael said leaving the room swiftly. Scarlett closed her eyes, resting her head in her hands,

  “I messed up, so bad.” She whispered. “What will mama think when she finds out…”

  “The good thing is, he broke the bond between them… I know it is in the worst way possible but once your mate marks you, it’ll be gone.” Elijah said, the very words felt bitter on his tongue. She looked up at him, hurt flashing in her eyes.

  “You’re confusing me, Elijah… if my mate marks me then that’s it… we’re over. Nothing can remove that from my neck…” She whispered, his words confused her. It felt like he was contradicting his past promises, “I thought you said you never wanted to let me go? Or was that just in the moment?”

  Elijah felt the sharp stab of pain at the anger and hate in her eyes.

  “No I meant it but maybe… maybe we are mates.” He said softly, she glared at him pushing his hand off her.

  “Just stop with the stupid games Elijah, don’t make this more complicated than it already is. One second you’re saying you’re serious about me, then you’re like yeah your mate needs to mark you. I’m tired of all of this Elijah just please go, I want to sleep.” She said not having the energy to argue. The pain that was hacking at her chest was only getting worse and she could not cope with this useless conversation.

  “I'm not leaving you Red, we’ll work something out. Just stop trying to shut me out.” He said, his eyes flashing dangerously. She didn’t say anything,

  “Fine.” She said, lying down on the pillow she turned her back to him. He sighed softly, pulling the sheet over her curvaceous body. Placing a soft kiss on her neck, not caring for the heat that radiated off the ugly mark.

  “Don’t…” She murmured, feeling her eyes sting with tears. The touch of his lips sent a soft wave of coolness through her.

  “Does it hurt?” He asked gently, caressing her arm. She closed her eyes.

  “No… It's soothing actually… but just don’t.” She murmured, thinking it looked disgusting and she knew it was radiating an odd heat. “It’s ugly to look at, even more to touch.”

  “As long as it’s not hurting you, then I won’t stop.” He said lying down next to her, she didn’t reply wondering how the arrogant Elijah had become this caring loving person. One that she was falling deeply in love with. The very thought of love made her heart pound in her ears. She knew she did, but to accept it was something else.

  She kept her eyes shut even when he gently slipped an arm under her head, the other going around her waist pulling her against him. His lips placing soft soothing kisses over the mark.

  She felt tears trickle onto her cushion, his touch so tender, so loving. She was terrified of losing him but she didn’t deserve him. The moon Goddess did hate her, there was no way she would be blessed with such an amazing mate… She would not keep her hopes up, she felt her wolf whimper at the very thought.

  Elijah’s lips never left her, the throbbing burning pain easing up under his soft caresses, helping her drift off into a peaceful slumber. He placed one final kiss on her neck just as there was a light knock on the door.

  “Enter.” He said quietly. The door opened and Rafael entered holding a tray of what smelt like hot chocolate.

  “She’s asleep?” He asked.

  “Yeah…” Elijah said shifting his weight so he was leaning against the headboard slightly.

  “Look, I know you got a lot going on and I'm not judging, I just want to say I'm here whenever you need anything.” He said, taking a seat on one of the chairs after passing Elijah a mug and taking one for himself. Elijah sighed.

  “Thanks man, I owe you a lot. I do need to head out but it’ll be great if we can sign that peace treaty before I leave.” He said, Rafael smirked.

  “Sure thing, I’ve got the paperwork ready. You going to tell your dad about this entire mark thing?”

  “Guna have to, my stepmothers mark vanished…” He said feeling a little resentful, although he knew it wasn’t Jessica’s fault. Rafael nodded.

  “I think you two are mates though, regardless of what her messed up dad's done, you’ll make it through. I’ve seen you for years and you’ve never treated a girl as good as you treat her, you only show your charm to get into a woman's pants...” He said looking at Elijah, a smirk crossing his lips.


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