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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 31

  The door slammed shut behind her and Elijah smirked, finding her comment rather hot.

  "Well, you got your answer.” He said cockily.

  “Do you think she can do this?!” Jackson snapped, venting his anger towards his son instead. “You’ve been a bad influence!” Elijah frowned.

  “Yeah, she can if you all had some faith.” He said. “It’s not like she’ll be alone, she has us, her pack behind her.”

  Jackson looked at Jessica, it was true they could not really hide any longer now that Zidane knew the truth… He would come for them, and he feared for his wife and daughters.

  “Of course, we are behind her, but it isn't safe.” Jackson said, his anger simmering down a notch.

  “I’ve seen the way he treats his pack. I get that you ran to protect your daughters and your own life… but as their Luna, you failed them. Scarlett is stepping up once again, doing what you couldn't do.” Elijah said icily, making Jessica flinch. It was something she felt guilty for until this very day. He did not elaborate what he meant by ‘once again’ but neither seemed to have picked up on it.

  “Elijah apologise!” Jackson snapped. “She has raised you as her own son, is this how you repay her?! With disrespect?”

  “I didn’t ask her to, I’ve never considered her my mother and I never will.” Elijah said. He did not hate her, but he could never consider her his own. Especially not with the way he felt for Scarlett.

  Jessica looked away hurt, ever since she came into his life she knew he argued with his dad growing up because of her but he never said anything so direct and hurtful to her in person.

  “If you ever want to be Alpha, apologise!” Jackson growled his eyes flashing, Elijah just looked at him coldly.

  “I'm stronger than you even when I'm not holding the official title.” He said, he couldn't tell them the truth about Scarlett’s past, but he wasn’t going to let them think she had it easy. “If you two can’t fucking support her at least don’t stand in our way.”

  “Elijah!” Jackson growled but he simply pushed himself away from the table, his now calm cerulean blue eyes staring sharply at his father.

  “Zidane thought he could bend her to his will, but in his thirst for power he seemed to have looked past one very critical fact. Scarlett is an Alpha, and an Alpha never bends to anyone.”

  With those parting words, he left the room. He walked through the halls going upstairs towards Scarlett’s bedroom. He knocked lightly on her door, getting no reply he tried the door, it was locked. He closed his eyes, resting his head against the cool wood.

  “Red… Can I please talk to you?” He asked, she did not reply. He stepped away knowing she was in there, he could smell her tempting scent. He walked to his own room, entering he locked the door and headed to the bathroom, frowning when he realised she had it locked from her side. “Red please.”

  Getting no reply he returned to his own room, deciding to give her a moment. Taking out his tablet he ordered a replacement sim, just encase Candice tried to contact him from Scarlett’s phone. Once he was done, he entered the bathroom walking across to the door that led to her bedroom.

  He tried the handle and to his surprise it opened, he knocked lightly on the door before stepping inside. He saw her instantly, lying on her bed on her side facing the window, her hands tucked under her cheek. Her sexy legs looking very tempting, from this angle he could see that she was wearing purple a thong. He looked away swearing in his head, feeling blood rush south.

  He walked over to the bed, dropping onto it next to her and making her frown at him.

  “Don’t break my bed, have you seen the size of yourself?” She said curtly.

  “I don’t remember hearing you complain about my size.” He said stroking her thigh, kissing her bare shoulder and sending butterflies swarming through her stomach. She rolled her eyes, turning onto her back and looking into his eyes.

  “What did they say?” She asked softly, the smell of his aftershave mixed with his usual enriching scent made her pull him close, burying her nose into his t-shirt. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body against him.

  “Not much but I told them this pack is standing behind you no matter what.” He said kissing the top of her head.

  “Thank you.” She whispered. ‘I love you’ she added in her head, clinging to him tightly. She kept trying to put distance between them but he did not seem to mind, always being there for her and she did need him. In all of this mess, he was the only thing that kept her sane.

  “I know you don’t want to talk about it kitten, about us, but I want you to know I'm not giving up on you- on us.” He said huskily. She tilted her head up, their eyes meeting. He saw the softness and vulnerability in them that usually was hidden behind her strong mask.

  “I truly care for you, heck… if you asked for the world, I’d fucking place it at your feet.” He said softly, brushing his fingers through her hair. His brilliant cerulean eyes holding so much emotion that she felt her core throb, just by the intense look he was directing towards her.

  He ran his thumb along her lips, his eyes darkening when she took his thumb in her mouth sucking on it, her seductive eyes now looking into him making him throb hard.

  “Fuck sweetheart…” He whispered huskily leaning down, removing his thumb from her mouth and capturing her lips in a deep passionate kiss that sent a jolt of pleasure to her core. Her brain seemed to melt into mush. Her arms locked around his neck, she pulled him closer, her body pressed against his. Her pussy throbbing for him, she moaned against his lips when his other hand now slipped under her dress.


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