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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 33

  Elijah and Scarlett exchanged looks, had she seen them? Scarlett’s heart was hammering and although Elijah looked emotionless, he was a little worried. This was not the way he wanted it to get out…

  Indigo looked between them, the scene she had walked in on was… It looked… She felt confused. It was not possible, maybe she had misunderstood? There was no way Elijah had been about to kiss Scarlett. That was simply wrong, gross and way too far-fetched to be true, right? But they had been close, too close.

  She did not miss the way Scarlett’s heart was racing or the way she had glanced at Elijah, who was doing an impressive job of masking his emotions.

  She now looked at Scarlett taking in her towel that hung dangerously low on her breasts, her eyebrow shooting up,

  “Scarlett although I know Elijah is our brother, and he has no interest in you, you’re having a nip slip.” She said, deciding to pretend she did not see their compromising position. It was too shocking to believe… and Elijah’s piercing calculating eyes were making her nervous.

  Scarlett’s eyes flew open once again quickly looking down at her towel, blushing and pulling it up a little. She could not do more than that, otherwise, her ass would be on show. She felt relieved that Indigo had not seen them, that had been a close one…

  Elijah smirked seeing Scarlett flustered. Pulling off his top he tossed it at her, she caught it, her heart skipping a beat.

  “That might cover a little more.” He said, his eyes trailing over her body. “You may be my stepsister but you have one killer body there Red.” His cocky smirk only grew as she glared at him. Her stomach fluttering at the way he looked her over.

  Indigo frowned, maybe she had imagined it? Maybe he had just been threatening her or something… Why would he openly flirt with her in front of indigo? Feeling even more confused she turned to leave as Scarlett pulled the top on.

  “Mums ok… but she was worried about you Scar… That maybe Elijah might take his anger out on you… Dad’s in his office and then Grandma Amelia is coming in a few hours. I came to ask if you wanted to cook, mums not up to it.” Indigo said, looking over her shoulder at her sister. Noticing something on her sisters’ neck but it was too quick for her to figure out what it was, her hair covering it quickly.

  “Sure, I’ll do it. I promised grandma next time she came I’d be the one to cook anyway. I'm going to go get dressed then I’ll cook.” Scarlett said, not daring to look at Elijah who had his intense blue gaze fixed on her, wishing he could mind link her.

  He wanted to pull her close and kiss her hard but now was not the time. Something told him Indigo had seen a lot more than she was letting on.

  He saw her gaze fall to his shoulder and neck and he realised there was still a few marks left by Scarlett that had not healed. Their eyes met and Elijah gave her a small smile although it did not reach his eyes.

  “Want to go for a walk?” He asked her. Indigo crossed her arms.

  “Sure.” She said.

  “Meet you outside in a few… I'm just going to grab a shirt.” He said leaving the bathroom.

  He took the steps two at a time, reaching the first floor quickly and glancing down the hall. He tried the handle to Scarlett’s bedroom, satisfied when it opened. She stood there pulling on a lemon-yellow coloured thong, she gave him a look turning as she adjusted her matching bra. His eyes darkened as he took in how sexy she looked. The yellow went nicely with her ivory skin.

  “Have you forgotten to knock? And don’t use that door.” She whispered worriedly. “What if someone sees you?”

  “Don’t worry about that, no one around.” He murmured, locking the door behind him. He came over to her, gripping her hips and pulled her against him.

  “Indigo almost caught us…” She said biting her lip. God, how she wanted him.


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