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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 36

  Liam paled, stepping back as Elijah walked over. Taking Scarlett’s arm he pulled her behind him roughly, she winced at the force in his touch.

  “Get the fuck out of here.” He hissed.

  Liam looked stunned, raising his hands in surrender.

  “I’m sorry Alpha… I didn’t mean to offend you I just came to invite you and Scarlett for-”

  “I don’t need an explanation.” Elijah growled, his Alpha aura rolling off him in waves. Scarlett wrenched free from his death grip massaging her arm as she stepped out from behind him.

  “Liam, we will come. Text the details to Angela, she will join us too.” She said, making Elijah glare at her. Liam nodded bowing his head in submission to his Alpha. Elijah slammed the door in his friend’s face, never had he been so pissed at one of his friends before this. “Don’t you dare glare at me!” She snapped, her eyes flashing silver.

  “Were you going to say something or allow him to continue to flirt with you?” Elijah said coldly, his eyebrows furrowed in a deep frown. “Or did you enjoy it?”

  She clenched her jaw, shocked that he’d even accuse her of that but before she could even speak, he sighed, running a hand down his face.

  “I’m sorry…” He said. Scarlett simply shook her head, hiding the hurt she felt and walked off to the kitchen. “Scarlett!”

  “Son, what did you do now?” Jackson said, sighing heavily as he and Jessica appeared on the top steps. Elijah looked at his father, remembering how he had slammed his head onto the kitchen worktop. He frowned looking away.

  “It’s not your fucking business.” He said glaring at the pair. Jessica looked down feeling guilty for causing Elijah the distress he was obviously in.

  “Language boy! I am still your father and Alpha!” Jackson thundered. Elijah gave a cocky smirk.

  “Want me to show you who’s the Alpha again?” He said, arrogantly cracking his knuckles. Indigo gasped from behind their parents, shocked at his attitude. Before anyone could say anything else the doorbell rang, and Elijah pulled it open not breaking eye contact with his father.

  “My, so much male testosterone going around I feel like clomping you both over the head. If you’re going to go at it like two whiny bulldogs, then take it outside!” Amelia said giving the two men a disgusted look. “You both keep reminding me why I don’t like the pair of you, now where’s my girl?”

  “Right here, Grandma Amy!” Scarlett said, stepping out into the hall a smile on her stunning face. Elijah felt a pang of hurt noticing how she didn’t even look at him.

  “Is it just me or have you lost weight?!” Amelia said pulling her into a tight hug, Scarlett smiled.

  “I don’t think I have.” She said.

  “Well, those bra-stuffers of yours sure haven't.” Amelia said, making Scarlett touch her breasts and blushing lightly before the others greeted her as well. Indigo rolled her eyes, Scarlett was the only one who was saved from Amelia’s wrath, everyone else would surely become a target at some point tonight.

  They made their way to the lounge where Scarlett had already placed a tray of refreshments and cold drinks.

  “I hope the foods worth it, seeing these two and their ugly mugs makes me want to keep my eyes glued shut.”

  “That’s an idea, maybe glue your mouth too, we might not hear you so much then either.” Elijah said, thinking the woman couldn't stand him and his dad. Not that he minded seeing her throw abuse at his old man.

  “Elijah!” Jackson said frowning at his son as Indigo tried to stifle a giggle. Amelia raised a brow giving Elijah a dirty look.

  “So, I heard the two of you went out of town.” She said picking up a glass. She now looked at Elijah who was wishing he could mind link Scarlett, he was worried he had upset her. “Cat got your tongue boy?”


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