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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 46

  “Elijah… I know you're concerned for her but you can’t help her right now. You’re unmated.” Jackson said his anger dissipating, placing his hands on his sons’ shoulders, wondering when he had grown so much. Recently despite their differences he had grown as a man.

  Blue eyes met blue but Elijah didn’t have the will to fight anymore.

  “I love her dad, she needs me.” He said quietly. Jessica’s eyes widened in surprise, as Amelia hid a small smile, for once proud of the young Alpha. Jackson was the last to understand, sighing he looked at him sympathetically.

  “And I am happy to hear that son... but you can’t go, your wolf…” He trailed off, realisation hitting. Elijah didn’t mean brotherly love… He meant…

  “Let him go, Jackson. Scarlett does need him.” Amelia said firmly. Jackson turned to her shocked that she wasn’t even moved by this. Elijah ran up the stairs, he didn’t care about the consequences, not right now…


  Scarlett writhed in the bath, her nails dug into her arms as she rocked herself, throbbing pain shooting through her body. Tears stung her eyes, she didn’t know what hurt more, the pain from the heat or the pain in her heart. Maybe death would take it all away? The thought slithered into her mind like a poisonous whisper, what did she have to live for?

  No one needed her and she needed no one… but the thought only stayed for a moment as she frowned. Even if she didn’t need anyone, there was an entire pack who needed their Alpha and she had Zidane to deal with. She would deal with him just the way she dealt with Hank.

  She heard footsteps and then her bedroom door shut. Her heart hammered when a smell that she had started to recognise as home enter the bathroom. She didn’t turn to him, her entire body tense. Her wolf wanted to go to him, for him to take this pain away.

  Elijah felt as if his heart stopped seeing the pink water, the smell of her blood tainting her tempting scent in the air. He rushed to her side but saw her nails were simply digging into her arms, she moved back shaking her head.

  “Stay away…” She said, looking away from him. He dropped to his knees by the tub, his heart felt as if was being crushed repeatedly.

  “I know you hate me right now… but I promise I won’t do anything… If I hold you… you will feel better…” He said softly, his hand reaching to caress her cheek.

  “No!” She snapped, smacking it away. “Your wolf is already trying to take control, just leave me alone Elijah.”

  “It won’t. I promised myself no matter what, I can’t do that.” Elijah said firmly, he stood up and walked to his own bedroom. Scarlett closed her eyes, trying to fight the tears. Yes, she wanted to be left alone but it still hurt seeing his back retreat. She heard him moving around in his room, another spasm of pain shooting through her, her core throbbing making her let out a groan of pain.


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