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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 49

  Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. A threatening growl from Elijah was the first thing Scarlett heard as her mind tried to register what was happening and then a shriek that belonged to Fiona. Her own heart seemed to have stopped working when she realised the bullet didn’t make contact with her. She looked up, her ears ringing when she saw Elijah standing metres in front of her blocking her from Meredith. Aaron had lunged for the gun, taking it from Meredith as her husband pinned her down trying to control her. Jackson growled dangerously at them.

  The coppery smell of blood filled the air as the droplets of blood that hit the floor at his feet made Scarlett’s chest tighten.

  “Elijah!” She shouted, coming back to reality. Running towards him at the same time as Fiona, Elijah turned, relieved that she was ok. He could feel the biting pain of the wolfbane-laced silver bullet but it was more than worth it to see the concern in her eyes.

  “Elijah!” Fiona said from behind him but he didn’t even hear her as he caught Scarlett, whose eyes fell to the bullet lodged in his waist.

  “I’m fine Red.” He whispered, his heart warm. She placed her hand on his chest shaking her head.

  “You’re not! Why did you do that?! You know I can heal better than you!” She shouted, her eyes pained. He smirked.

  “Well, if it means you’ll show me this much concern, I would happily get hurt every day.” He said seductively. She frowned, her heart thudding remembering the words she had spoken when she was in the hospital at the Black Storm Pack. She stared into that handsome face of his. The temptation to kiss him was strong but she looked away now realising he was gripping her hips.

  “Alpha.” Fiona whispered in concern next to him, her hand on his arm. He growled shrugging her off.

  “Sit the fuck down, you’ve got two members of your family being trialled right now don’t become a fucking third.” He threatened, making her eyes fill with fresh tears. She looked at Scarlett, her gaze falling to Elijah’s hands that still held her tightly around her waist, his thumb brushing her breast. A flicker of confusion filled her eyes as she looked at Scarlett but she didn’t disobey, returning to her seat.

  “That will not go forgotten.” Jackson said to his Beta dangerously. The man frowned but knew his wife had stepped out of line, after all, Scarlett was from the Alpha’s family.

  “Let’s get down to this, I want to know why my son was brutally murdered!” He said coldly. A dangerous growl from Elijah had him looking down in submission.

  “Let go.” Scarlett said, not wanting to pull away roughly encase his wound got worse.

  “I don’t want to…” He said quietly. She looked at him, was he openly flirting with her now?

  “Please… We’ll talk later.” She pleaded and he smirked.

  “Deal.” He said. Stepping away he lifted his top and extending his claw, shoving it into his wound and making Scarlett flinch as he pried the bullet out and tossed it to the ground without even batting an eyelid.

  He winked at her before he took her wrist and bought her to the front. Amelia and Jessica had taken their seats next to the Beta family. Amelia had a smile on her face whilst Jessica looked pale after that attack.

  “So, let’s start with some facts.” Elijah said coldly. “Red… remove that bandage.”

  Scarlett looked at him before nodding. Apart from the few, including the beta’s, no one else knew about her mark. Everyone now watched her as she removed it to reveal the mark surrounded by black pulsating veins ebbed on her skin.

  “What is that?” An elder male wolf said, Amelia raised an eyebrow.

  “What does it look like?” She asked.

  “It’s a mark.” Elijah said curtly. “Scarlett was forcefully marked by an Alpha when we were out of town on a trip, as you can see her body is rejecting it…”

  “That’s impossible, there’s no such thing as a body rejecting a mark! Even if the wolf doesn’t agree the mark would not be like that!” The man said.

  “What if it’s a mark that goes against the fucking laws of nature?” Elijah hissed, glaring venomously at the man for showing disrespect. He visibly flinched and swallowed nervously.

  “What do you mean against the laws of nature?” Another man said.

  “She was marked by someone who should never have marked her… for her abilities. But we won’t delve into that. The thing is, the night of Hanks death Scarlett went into heat. That night Fiona was attacked by a rogue at the club, Fiona care to explain everything that happened?” Elijah said without even looking at her.


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