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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 61

  The following day dawned cold and grey and it mirrored the mood within the Alpha’s mansion perfectly. Breakfast was tense, even the delicious smell of Jessica’s cooking couldn't lighten the mood. Indigo sat there, a pout on her face, looking between Elijah and Jackson. She wished they'd put aside their egos and stop this ridiculous issue between them.

  “So do you both have everything packed?” Jessica asked looking at Elijah and Scarlett.

  “Yep, all packed.” Scarlett said playing with the scrambled eggs on her plate.

  “Yeah, all ready for this ball.” Elijah said in an antagonising tone. “I wonder if anything is going to change. You sure you don’t want to come dad? To see how I reject anyone but Scarlett?”

  “Watch it, I'm giving you one chance. You might come home with no mate but remember, you won’t be taking your Alpha position.” Jackson said coldly, his eyes flashing dangerously. Elijah simply scoffed.

  “I don’t mind, my wolf doesn’t seem bothered either. So I guess we’re good and it might be for the best right? I mean Scarlett’s an Alpha with a pack…” He said smirking. Although the thought of losing his own pack hurt, he wasn’t going to let his dad see that. He had put a lot of work into this pack and he loved it with everything he had.

  “You’re a fucking disrespectful asshole you know that Elijah? Your mother would be ashamed if she saw you today!” Jackson snapped, slamming his cutlery down. Jessica closed her eyes trying not to scream in frustration as she watched her China plate crack in half from the force. Her daughters watched her try to control her wolf, her eyes flickering dangerously. Everyone knew Jessica’s temper when it came to her dishes.

  “I wonder… Shame she’s not around or all this shit wouldn’t be happening to start with.” Elijah growled coldly.

  “Elijah, please can you stop.” Scarlett said giving him a look. Indigo looked at her plate suddenly feeling really upset.

  “You know, I don’t know what this mating ceremony will bring but can we at least have one meal as a family? Before shit goes down?!” She said.

  “Indigo, language!” Jessica snapped.

  “No mom! I’m fed up with seeing all this anger between dad and Elijah! Why can’t we just go back to normal, back to the way things were? Dad, I don’t get it, why can’t you accept their love? What's so wrong with falling in love? You did it didn’t you? I hate being here when all you two do is throw crap at each other every single chance you get! Dad if Elijah isn't the next Alpha who will take charge?! Because you can’t be so stubborn and make the pack become the ones that suffer because of your ego!”

  “Indigo. This is beyond your understanding.” Jackson said curtly, but Indigo simply shook her head.

  “No, dad. This time you’re the one who is failing to understand!” Indigo said, terrified to see her family breaking apart. “I hope they’re mates! Because then I’d like to see how you break your marriage with mom!”

  With those words she ran from the room, not wanting anyone to see her tears.

  “Indy!” Elijah said glaring at his dad before he ran out of the room after the girl he considered his sister.

  Jessica looked down at her broken China plate. “All you are doing Jackson is breaking this family apart, where our own children want to see us separating because of your issues and stubbornness.” She said, her voice breaking slightly, “Scarlett can you give us some privacy?”

  Scarlett looked between her parents and nodded leaving the room, but instead of going too far she silently pressed herself against the wall, not too close that they could hear her heartbeat but close enough to hear what was being said.

  “Jessica stop encouraging them.” Jackson said, his voice cold.

  “If this is about status, then I am ready to divorce you for their sake.” Jessica whispered, her voice breaking. Scarlett clamped her hand over her mouth to stop the gasp that almost escaped her lips. She heard Jackson’s breath hitch and a chair tumble over.



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