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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 7

  His lips crashed against hers in a sizzling hot kiss. She gasped in shock, pleasure erupting through her body. An involuntary moan escaping her lips as her eyes fluttered shut. His lips ignited a burning desire within her, her lips moved in sync to his. He pushed her up against the nearest tree, pressing his body against her and he was rewarded with a soft moan. Her breasts crushed against his hard chest, her hands on his shoulder. She tasted way better than he had imagined, and goddess he hadn't been wrong she was fucking delicious. A low groan escaped him as he throbbed against her stomach, his tongue ran along her plush lips making Scarlett suddenly freeze. Her heart thundering in her chest she summoned all her strength and pushed him away.

  “What are you doing?!” She shouted, shock and embarrassment coursed through her. He had kissed her and she kissed him back! Fuck she was messed up.

  Elijah licked his lips looking at her, she had kissed him back. That was the only thing that was going through his mind, if only for a few seconds, but she had kissed him and fucking enjoyed it…

  “I gave you an option sweetheart.” He said trying to contain his emotions. Her cheeks were flushed despite the glare she was giving him.

  “I didn’t think you would go through with it! We’re siblings!” She hissed.

  “Stepsiblings. We’re not related.” He said sharply. Their eyes met and Elijah stepped towards her, Scarlett stood her ground. She didn’t really have anywhere to go - behind her back was a tree.

  “Still, we’ve grown up as siblings for the last 8 years, this is messed up!” She said, her mind was a mess. All she could think about was the kiss, but it was so so wrong. What was even going through his mind?

  “Red calm down… it was just a kiss.” Elijah said, he knew she was a little reckless and her temper was wild.

  “Brothers don’t kiss sisters!” She snapped.

  “Chill… why are you so angry? Is it cause you liked it?” He asked crossing his arms. She froze, her face paling. He watched her - he was sure she had… if she said yes… then what? No, she was right, this was a fucking mess…

  “No, I didn’t! I'm a woman who has hormones, it’s just been a while since I've got with someone.” She said. Elijah raised an eyebrow.

  “Well, there’s my welcoming home bash tonight, find yourself a man.” He said, sounding more pissed than he meant to.

  “Oh I will, you should go get Fiona to take care of that!” She spat back, motioning to the front of his pants. “Oh wait, I forgot she doesn't seem to do it for you anymore right?”

  He glared at her. “Don’t push me Red.”

  “Don’t go kissing me then!” She shot back. Elijah raised his hand, punching the tree right next to her head. Scarlett didn’t even flinch, her green eyes glaring defiantly at him.

  “Fuck you Red.” He said, feeling even more confused.

  “No thanks.” She said icily, flipping him the finger before grabbing her bottle and gloves from the floor and storming off.

  “What the fuck did I just do…” He hissed, slamming his hand into the tree and watching it split before turning and leaving the area.


  Scarlett had returned home. What had happened? Why had he kissed her? Was there a chance he found her attractive? The questions were swirling in her head and she had no proper answer. Whatever happened should not have, no matter how good it had felt. She was glad she had pushed him away before she got turned on and he smelt it. Entering her bedroom, she slammed the door behind her and glared at the room.

  It had three plain grey walls and one feature wall of grey and silver geometric diamond wallpaper. Black curtains and bedding with the floor covered in plush grey carpet. There were pops of red around the room, in the form of some ornaments, some cushions and her beanbag near her bookshelf.

  She entered the bathroom, looking at the door that led to his room. She took a shower and decided to avoid him for the rest of the day, in fact, she would not go to his stupid welcome home party. Oh wait, it was taking place here in the mansion gardens. Groaning she washed her hair in frustration. Then all she could do was avoid him at all costs…


  Evening fell soon enough. Jessica had spent the day baking a welcoming home cake for Elijah and Indigo had been all hyper helping the other pack members with the party décor. Elijah had thankfully spent the afternoon with his friends. They consisted of; Aaron Nicholson - the future Beta of the pack, Liam White - the head warrior who had recently taken over the position being one of the strongest wolves in the pack. Then there was Hank Williamson, Fiona’s brother, and future Delta - third in command of the pack.

  Scarlett was now getting dressed, knowing any minute now her best friend Angela Jacobs would come running in. As if on cue the door banged open and there she was, with her waist-length black locks and chocolate brown eyes, dressed in a green skater dress and strappy gold heels.

  “So how do I look? Think I can get Elijah?” She asked, making Scarlett tense.

  “Well, he seems to kiss and fuck anything with a vagina so yeah I'm sure you can.” She said going back to apply her red lipstick.

  “Are you saying I'm not good enough?” Angela complained stomping over to the bed and dropping herself onto it as if her life was over.

  “No I'm just saying, he’s a fuck boy, and you’re hot - he won't be able to resist.” Scarlett said curtly wondering why he actually had never been with Angela, he had slept with more than half the females around…

  “Ouch! I see you two are still not on the best of terms.” Angela said, Scarlett shrugged.

  “He’s an asshole.” She said standing up. Dressed in leather pants that emphasised her curves and a black lace, high neck, full sleeve top that was tucked into her pants that showed off her black strapless bra. On her feet she wore 5-inch black heels, the only colour in her was her vivid hair, lips and red nails. Finishing off with some dangly earrings she did a small twirl for Angela.

  “So out of 10?” She asked. Angela raised an eyebrow.


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