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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 249

Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me Chapter 249

“Oh? If you like Emma so much, why are you letting her get together with Callum?”

Arthur lowered his head, and an unfathomable light flashed across his eyes.

“That’s because love is a sacrifice.”

Love is a sacrifice, my foot! he thought. In reality, he would eventually snatch Emma back. When Callum’s reputation was ruined and Arthur had the man under his foot, Emma would return to his embrace.

However, now wasn’t the time.

“Fine, I get it. How do you propose we work together?”

Eric was slightly annoyed.

Seeing Eric’s reaction, Arthur knew that the former was tempted. Hence, he continued, “First of all, we have to destroy the Winthrop Group. You see, if Callum loses his financial stability, do you think Elspeth would still follow him willingly?”

Eric smiled. “It looks like you’ve been planning this for a long time. There must be at least 20 years of history between you two, but you don’t seem to consider that at all.”

“What is there to consider? I want to achieve my goals. That’s my utmost priority.”

Naturally, Arthur was more confident now that success was on the horizon.

“In that case, do you think I’m just like you?”

With that, Eric kicked Arthur squarely on the torso, sending him rolling off the bed.

Arthur didn’t have his clothes on, so he could only guard his jewels with his hands. He looked like a mess.

“What exactly are you so gleeful about? Arthur Winthrop, people like you deserve a hundred deaths!” When Eric pictured Elspeth suffering, he had the urge to tear Arthur apart.

Eric dialed a number. Soon enough, a group of men in black walked in.

“Throw this man outside, and don’t let him wear any clothes.”

Arthur widened his eyes. “Y-You can’t do that!”

“Why not? Arthur, what you’ve done is simply disgusting. Even if I let you off the hook, Callum certainly wouldn’t.”

Eric grinned coldly.

“Don’t touch me! Stop, don’t touch me—”

Arthur couldn’t fight back, so he was frightfully dragged outside and left alone on the road.

Emma was about to beg for mercy on Arthur’s behalf, but when she saw Eric’s determined expression, she was so scared that she shrunk back, not daring to utter a word.

After Arthur was tossed out, Eric grabbed Emma’s neck with his hand. There was cold bloodlust on his face as he said, “And you. Remember, if you do anything to harm Elspeth, I won’t let you off either!”

Emma was in so much pain that her tears were threatening to fall. “Understood.”

Elspeth, Elspeth again!

When Eric decided that it was enough, he flung her onto the bed. He clapped his hands, and a butler immediately appeared. “Lock her up,” Eric ordered.

“As you wish.”

“Don’t go about causing trouble before your face has healed.”

With that, Eric turned around and left.

In the hospital, Callum stood guard at the entrance of the operating room, his heart especially anxious.

Not long after, a doctor walked out. “Fortunately, the patient held her breath underwater for a long time, so she didn’t inhale too much water. Her condition has already stabilized, so you can go in to see her now.”

It was only then that Callum relaxed his creased eyebrows. “Alright, I got it. Thanks, doctor.”

“You’re welcome.”

Elspeth was sent to the regular ward. Fearing that Elspeth would be bothered, Callum arranged a VIP suite for her.


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