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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 250

Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me Chapter 250

“I have a request, but if you’re not available at the moment, forget it.”

Elspeth had a lot on her mind.

If Harper was at the bar at this hour, he must be seeing his old lover. Elspeth decided not to bother them.

“I see. Why don’t I get Lisa to follow you? She’s qualified now, and I have to say, she’s not my disciple for nothing. I—”

Elspeth couldn’t be bothered to listen to him rambling on, so she hung up right away.

Harper thought, How disrespectful!

Elspeth looked at the two beside her and smiled awkwardly. “Sorry about that.”

Blake knew that he wasn’t needed here, so he stood up. “I have something to attend to, so if everything’s okay, I’ll be leaving now.”

Anyone could see that Blake was just finding an excuse to escape; he didn’t have anything to attend to.

Meanwhile, Callum was quite satisfied with Blake’s behavior. “Alright. Call me if anything comes up.”

Blake faked a smile. Callum was acting like a big brother again. Just moments ago, Callum had such a foul expression that Blake thought Callum would kill him.

With that, Blake walked outside. He had just made his way to a flowerbed in the hospital when he noticed a girl in black. She wore her hair in a high ponytail, and there was not a sliver of emotion on her cold face.

She must have run into something… Blake thought. He lowered his head and saw someone lying on the ground. In an instant, he realized what was going on.

The guy on the ground was probably trying to scam her.

Still, this icy-cold beauty was quite good-looking.

At first glance, she looked decent with a small face and large, watery eyes. She had nicely shaped lips as well, and she looked like a perfect model.

At second glance, she seemed very cold and distant. She exuded a standoffish aura, making the cold weather even colder.

She was a peculiar girl, but she had nothing to do with him.

Blake was about to leave when the girl’s unbelievable actions stopped him in his tracks.

She retrieved several bills worth hundreds from her pocket and tossed them at the guy on the ground.

“Is this enough?”

The guy thought she was trying to escape, so he wailed, “You bumped into me, and now you’re trying to dismiss me with this measly amount? Goodness, how heartless you are!”

“Don’t cry.” The girl took out another pile of cash. “Is this enough?”

After seeing the large amount of money, the guy thought that the girl was easily fooled, so he sobbed again, “No, it’s not enough. This isn’t nearly enough to cure my sickness!”

The girl was already running out of cash. She frowned upon assessing the situation. “In that case, what should I do?”

“Give me money! You’re supposed to give money under these circumstances!”

The girl glanced around, and her gaze soon settled on Blake while he stood nearby.

“You, come here for a bit.”

Blake subconsciously walked over.

“Do you have money right now? I can return the money later.”

The girl felt a little troubled. She couldn’t stand the person sobbing and wailing so loudly on the ground.

Blake was a little curious. “Why me, though?”

The girl said straightforwardly, “That’s because you look richer than everyone else here.”

Blake was baffled. What an honest girl, he thought.

“I do have money, and I can also resolve the problem for you.” Blake smiled brilliantly. When he saw her cold expression, he was even more curious about her identity. “However, in return, you have to tell me your name.”

The girl was a little annoyed. “Lisa Dawson.”

“Hm, that’s a good name.” Having achieved his goal, Blake took out a card from his pocket. “Here. Ten million on this card. Use it however you like.”

Is he that generous?

The girl’s expression turned cold as she looked at the guy lying on the ground. She asked, “Is that enough?”

No matter how greedy a person could be, they knew better than to delay a good offer. When the guy on the ground heard that, he immediately jumped up. “Thank you, pretty woman. It’s more than enough.”


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